Experimenting BT
Hmm… just got bittorrent configured for the first time. I wonder what will happen next… ^-^||
Anyway, got to go to sleep, I have been having very sluggish days X_X”.
Impromptu: Cheap Words, #1
Listening doesn’t really mean knowing, Knowing doesn’t really mean understanding,
Understanding doesn’t really mean assimilating,
Assimilating doesn’t really mean manifestation/action.
Impromptu: Freedom of Choice
Here’s some snippets of a comment that I have posted, just for my own reference.
…有时真的是分不出什么是“assertive”,什么是“aggresive”? ^-^||
…Sometimes I really can’t tell the difference between “assertive” and “aggressive”?
…The most important thing is that you know and assert your standpoint…
Stomach Pain
I really wondered what I ate. Really. My stomach is feeling funny, and I have seen more liquid than anything for the past three days :(.
Not really something that needs medical attention, but hope this does not continue… (by then seeing the doctor is inevitable)
In other news, it’s been a slow day today, which gives me some ample time to work on some progress. But I not really feeling healthy today so I pretty much kept silent throughout the day.
I’m still having drifting thoughts and have my own feelings analysed in my head… you know, still about the distance between two people. I don’t know, it’s like within a short period of time, sometimes I felt there’s a barrier between us, yet sometimes I felt that it’s …
Continue Reading (169 words, 1 minute read)So Many Things, So Little Time
I have to admit that I really have a very, very, very short attention span ^^||, which means sustained learning efforts may be… umm, rare.
There’s a lot of things that I would want to do, explore and learn, really.
Currently I’m still learning Japanese, but yet I would really want to pick up Korean some time.
I wanted to pick up some books on travelling (especially Japan), but yet I’m sort of wondering whether I should do my research on buying myself an apartment or something.
I wanna be fat (Go Go Girls? XD) yet I would love to pick up something about health and fitness as well.
Would like to spend more time drawing and writing, yet I would want to spend some time to learn some programming language as well …
Continue Reading (178 words, 1 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Doodling Doodling
I’m close to post all my artworks already ^^||… probably the next possible thing that I might post is photographs that I took and liked as well as some poems that I have written, I suppose ^^||.
Looking at the amount of my artwork over here in DA, it really look like… only 10% of the artwork that I really done? Well… most of them are pretty much just sketches, to be honest. But in the past, I always keep every single scrap of paper with my drawing on it: whether I liked it or not.
I don’t know whether I’m keep track of my progress or I’m just hoarding.
So I have quite a thick stack of paper with pencil marks scrawled all over it (occasionally some inked and coloured, which are …
Continue Reading (448 words, 2 minute read)Feeling Evil
For some reasons, I’m in my cruelly evil mode today. Really, that’s something you don’t see everyday. But really, it’s one of those days, you’d find my sharp sarcasm and short circuited temper (under control, of course) going loose… well, not an all-out thing, but still I’m just like… Don’t mess with me or face my wrath.
I don’t know, observing myself at that point, it does show that I can go into extremes sometimes, just that I didn’t really show them ^^||. And I don’t plan to really lash it at anyone either because, for one thing, I’m already at the losing end anyway. (or from another perspective, I don’t want to waste my own energy on something that have no gain in …
Continue Reading (312 words, 2 minute read)Impromptu: ひどい言葉 [Cruel Words]
It’s until the same words fall unto you that you’ll notice how some of your own words can be so cruel to listen to.
- A lesson to be learnt -
Today’s Drifting Thoughts + Question of The Day: Dramatic
Sometimes I just can’t help but thinking back, that did I really see the full picture of the whole situation?
Looking at it more carefully now, it really indicates that I always jump into some hypothetical judgement/solutions when I get a small progression/change in an issue. And really, the worst part (well… not really worst to a point that will cause life and dead issues; but it IS plain annoying if I’d be someone else) is that my reaction can be so extreme and dramatic (at least what happens internally or showing signs of extremism)
A lot of time, as much as I vouch or even preach the concept of understanding other people’s point of view, But in reality, it seemed that it ends up that a lot of my …
Continue Reading (312 words, 2 minute read)Poem: Startin’ Over
Startin’ over
The things that I really wanted is really so far away…
Seeing this scenery, it’s really hard not to cry….
Let the tears of warmth be released
Only to realize, the tears being pent up inside
Is really a lot!
Is it that I’m really tired?
Why not just give myself a rest then decide
The road ahead seemed so uneven
Looks like if I don’t strive even harder
I’ll lose everything!
Just go on one more time
Startin’ over
Trying to understand everything from the very beginning
The things that I really wanted is really so far away…
But at least I’m able to see…
That it really exists in front of me