Today’s (Short and Random) Drifting Thoughts: The Thought Associations

Seh Hui Leong


Of Final Fantasy 8

For one thing: I have found myself sucked into Final Fantasy 8 addiction again. I almost spend the whole day today just playing one of my favourite RPGs again. But of course, I’m still relying on the strategy guide to play the game :p.

But speaking of strategy guide, somehow I do pick up interest in re-reading the analysis of the complex plot. And considering how much that the game (purposely, I believe) left out a lot of specific details in certain areas, the speculated theories of the game is really interesting to read as we see different people dissect events and clues to come out with their own viewpoint regarding the game. And just by reading that, one part seems to catch my attention:

The one thing that really caught my attention ever since I first played FF8 is the theories behind the identity of Ultimecia and her motives behind time compression. For those who believe that theory that Rinoa is actually Ultimecia, that really generates a lot of thoughts regarding time travelling and parallel universe in me. However one thing that really intrigues me is the fact… how does Ultimecia’s “evil” started?

Somehow that question really confuse me by all means, as this seems to be a chicken or egg question. Assuming the fact that the sorceress’ powers should only be seen as a tool to reflect one’s intention… where the evil actually comes from? Somehow it is just that strange to me is that if Rinoa is corrupted by the power after losing Squall in the future (as in, by assumption, that Squall dies or something and her grieve of his death cause the corruption), then when is the exact beginning of that evil? The reason I asked is that from the current timeline of events where the game is being held, Rinoa wouldn’t have become who she is (as in possessing the sorceress’ powers, the birth of the idea and fear that this power might have corrupted her) without all the circumstances happening in the past (the beginning of the war and her past which relates to this war). And probably if she weren’t able to find a way to find Squall from a timeless void during the ending of the game, probably Rinoa wouldn’t have conceived of the idea of time compression in the first place.

It is probably conceivable that the possible root source of the sorceress powers is actually from Sorceress Adel… but where’s the actual source of that evil? Should Rinoa knew that Ultimecia is actually her, would the future change? Should Rinoa haven’t that that strong attachment towards Squall, would the future change?

Seeing from this endless cycle, I just can’t stop from thinking: Even if humans were to be able to change the past, will that also be an arrangement of fate?

This really let me realize how big a difference can be made by just a single thought.

Somehow I just feel that the sense or concept of good and evil might not really exist, but just only a thought of perception. …And then it comes down to the inevitable question: What is the actual truth in everything? How can we define “saintliness” which brings the mightiest good to all beings?

Phew… that’s a REALLY BIG concept.

Of Madagascar

OMG I just have to watch that movie once it is out in the cinemas <333. Thinking about it, I personally think my reason that I wanted to watch this animated feature is kinda lame (well, at least to me, anyway) : is that I just wanted to catch Alex the lion because he’s just so lovable. The funny thing is that he’s only an animated character yet Alex seems to show much charm in the trailers and it strikes me with the feeling like a love at first sight. And the scary thing is that he’s just so lovable that I wished that he’s my boyfriend or something (seriously!) XDDDD.

Trying the ponder further about that “loving sensation”, somehow it really clicked deep into my innermost desire for a relationship partner: A kind of person who has much strength and pride that it gives people a sense of security being around with him, and yet being humble, friendly and truthful to the people around him. And cherry on top of it just has to be his naive nature in some of the funny scenes in the trailer. Personally i believe that this kind of feelings comes from my mental association of lions: being a creature of strength and pride, but yet can be dangerous to humans, hence being inapproachable. But yet, seeing that Madagascar is a cartoon (or animated feature… whatever :p), this lion has to be different. And that really brings out the charm as I continuously watching him having fun with his other animal friends in the zoo (and out in the wild, due to “unfortunate” circumstances).

I think that’s about it. Gotta mark my calendar as the movie opens next week.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
