Keeping Score

Seh Hui Leong


'Keeping Score'

Nothing beats hard numbers to measure progress objectively, isn’t it?

I find this thought empowering as it highlights the importance of managing my money and my future progress well. It is also a good guide post on how fast am I progressing and tells me the gaps towards my ideal lifestyle.

The word “score” also had the hidden idea that money is just one aspect of the game of life. Every game has our team, our supporters, our opponents as well as the experiences that we create together. It’s not only the competitive spirit but also the aspect of the greater values we treasure in life: teamwork, respect, practice and fun.

With that in mind, that gives me the push to enjoy today and do whatever it takes to grow.

Time IS money

Seh Hui Leong


'Google Spreadsheet screenshot'

Today I have shared this concept with one of my friends about the limited value of income as opposed to time, which is the tombstone principle of time management or personal development ideology.

I used the concept as presented by [Timothy Ferriss][4hww] in various talks to illustrate one application of your own hourly rate. I think the illustration would be starking enough to rethink about your concept of income and working overtime. (also as a very good reminder to myself :))

Now, assuming you are a highly paid but overworked personnel, overworking yourself to a schedule of 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. You earned a handsome salary of $8000 with an additional management incentive of 2.5 months for your good performance and effort. Doing the math:

  • Time spent (based on 50 …
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