Impromptu: Letting Go

Seh Hui Leong


Letting go means one of the two things: Either admitting your defeat or that you give out your all in achieving something.

Either way, it’s probably something that comes by force; but by the totality of one’s realisation.

Impromptu: Somnambulist

Seh Hui Leong


It’s much easier to be sleeping than to be awake…

Impromptu: Denial

Seh Hui Leong



No matter how many “why’s” I asked myself, I’m unable to deny what I really “desired”.

Impromptu: Bright World X Dark World

Seh Hui Leong


A bright world? A dark world? I thought they are indeed the same world, then why there’s a separation between the two?

Impromptu: Death

Seh Hui Leong


Upon attaining something, you’ll lose something in return. From that hypothesis, upon attaining the ultimate, or that all wishes has been fulfilled, a “death” is certain.

Impromptu: Better

Seh Hui Leong





Others must be better than me”, all this while I have been having such a perception. Maybe it’s because of this perception, a lot of times I felt that all the effort I put into anything was just pointless… And therefore it started to became avoidance, timidity.

Life starting to lose its colours, I start to lose my own confidence, becoming less and less brave to take risks and change: This particular “self”… Although I despise it, but unconsciously I accepted that myself. Accepting a world full of crap… is this really something that I wanted?

This fact, is probably what I used not to like to admit it at all.

Impromptu: The Self

Seh Hui Leong


Probably the real message behind “I don’t understand you” is “you didn’t do something that I hoped/wished/expected”.

Impromptu: Accident

Seh Hui Leong



Maybe, from a certain perspective I’m am still expecting an “accident”.

Impromptu: Wealth

Seh Hui Leong



What is a “wealth” that is truly mine?

Impromptu: 大丈夫 (I’m Fine)

Seh Hui Leong


Saying “I’m fine…”, is it a phrase of encouragement oneself, or is it just a useless way of consolation?