Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Does It Really Matter?

'Empty Room' by Seh Hui

Seh Hui Leong


When you enter a room where no one is there, are you more willing to believe that you’re the first one there… or you’re alone…?”

Just happens this morning that I was going through my usual routine: wake up, do my chores, walk to the bus station then taking the bus to school.

During my journey to school, there some guy is ringing the bell, signaling the bus to stop there. At this point, the bus is on a slope going down, where the bus stop is just at the end of the slope. While I was thinking that they just being a little bit early in timing. They kept on ringing the bell, again and again, persisting that they wanted to stop in the middle of it. Later on, the bus driver …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: In Deep Seas of Thoughts (and Public Self-Disclosure)

Seh Hui Leong


Phew… nothing much happened, but still… there’s just enough events for me to ponder about today. Anyway, seriously fragmented thoughts aside (will come back to that later), I was attending the interview from the National Education Accreditation Board today, where I was one of the 50 students selected from our course. So I do have to wear formal attire today, and some people have been commenting on how… professional I looked XDDD. Maybe I just looked scholarly in formal attire.

Well, basically, a bunch of us (including me, Xian Yi, Vico, Steven and, of course, Choon Hui) went there in the afternoon, and the free lunch provided are fast food (Pizzas <333, and burgers from McDonalds, which is OK as well ^^). And the waiting room is a total riot with us cracking various jokes …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Truth

Seh Hui Leong


It’s just another boring day when I decided to do my household chores… well, considering that my laundry is piling up and it has been months since I last mopped my bedroom. Somewhat the latest news about a father killed his three children and committed suicide have engraved in me. According to the news, he’s extremely depressed when he had the divorce and he have a high possibility of losing them in a custody battle, and his suicide note on the wall read “It’s you (the estranged wife) who has ruined our lives. We will not rest in peace. You don’t want us because of your career. They are following me to nirvana.”

In case you are interested, refer to:

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Threading Along The Poison Ivies

Seh Hui Leong


Pretty much nothing happening around here, it’s pretty much the usual friends chatting, Choon Hui drooling and lectures.

Been having quite a chat with Dr Tay regarding his masters syllabus setting stuff and my future plans. Well… for the time being, I’m still stuck between the crossroad of studies and work, and both of them are pretty much equally as attractive… but both of them would drift me in different directions. To be frank… I’m just stuck in the middle, feeling a little bit lost on where I would want to reach from here. If I wanted to get my masters, that would give me enough excitement to do my explorations and research in the academic world. But if I took up the career path, I would really want to venture into …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Human Relations

Seh Hui Leong


Just after my mid-terms today, I just bumped into a few of my friends, Erika, Vico and Su Hu. It’s just fun chatting with them today, and having ourselves joking around about various stuff. Kinda fun when we try to relate our own childhood memories and what nots. Later on Su Hu needs go back while Vico have some chores to do, so it’s only left with me and Erika on the same table.

Later on, we talk quite a lot of friends and stuff, which later on keep me pondering about friendship in general. Well… how should I put it… well, as we live our own life, friends is always something that takes an important role in life. It’s pretty much living with people whom we are comfortable with, and in …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Take The Red Pill… Will Ya?

Seh Hui Leong


OK, the Internet have definitely being a total idiot for the past two days! (And I’m SOOO close in using the F words now, but I’ll just leave it as that)

For some apparent reasons, I just feel tired: physically and partially emotionally. I can explain the physical part, considering that having a lecture marathon isn’t fun and having mid-terms and assignments lately does freaks me out for no reason (GOD! I just wished that I can snap out of it and take it easy). But for some reasons, I just can’t seem to find a good pattern for my current emotional state. Yes, I would say that I am happier than before, but it seems that I can still see that there’s parts of it being foggy and the …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Iced Lemon Tea

Seh Hui Leong


Two years ago, I got addicted to iced lemon tea, and for some reasons I told my friends that it tasted like love, yet I pretty much didn’t understand why I said that.

Now after having my own experience, joy and sorrow of love (well… one sided, anyway), I think I’m starting to understand the sour yet bitter-sweet sensation.

Well… just a thought after something happening, guess I might get another packet of instant iced lemon tea when I go to the hypermart.

Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Of Crushes and Understanding

Seh Hui Leong


First of all, here’s another poster I did for our society:

'Membership Drive Poster'

[p/s: As few words as it seems, it might need some grammatical fix if there’s some hiccup. Do comment if you notice one ^^]

Anyway, school work is starting to pick up, which means that I definitely have to make myself working or else I’ll fall into the procrastination trap again. And this summer seems to be quite special, I mean, seeing that people are into the lovey-dovey mood lately (including yours truly). Class has never been the same to me again, since I have been constantly fixing my eyes towards Choon Hui… although I did try to tone down my gestures when we are close together and I pretty much “acted” like friends. He caught my eyes once though, which …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Human Factor and Life

Seh Hui Leong


In the contrary of yesterday’s preview, I spent my time at home today, finishing work which needs to be done soon. Somewhat I got over with the over-dwellings for Choon Hui, but somewhat it seems to be replaced by a feeling close to a hunger for touch. It just strange though, it feels like there’s some sort of emptiness fills inside your chest and the only cure is to find something or someone to hug. So basically I’m sitting in front of my compie to do my work and at the same time having a pillow close to me.

Loneliness is taking its toll, I guess? But then, humans always have desires, and things like eating, drinking or perhaps even sex is part of our lives. I’m just wondering whether love …

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Today’s Fragmented Thoughts: Mother’s Days Blues

Seh Hui Leong


My brother saw me in more fashionable clothes this morning, he flatly asked “Where are you going?”, and I replied “Ipoh”. From that conversation onwards, I sensed something is not right, but just go to Ipoh anyway. And halfway of going there, I suddenly remembered that today’s mother’s day! “Oh my god!” I said myself, and constantly feeling bad about it, mostly due to the fact that I should help out my mother instead. In case you didn’t know, my mom opens a cake shop, and mother’s day is usually the day when my mom will be the busiest, so busy that she will always ask me and my brother and sister to help her out in the past. So the bus ride is basically a guilt ride… but that leave …

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