Yesterday’s Drifting Thoughts: About Death
Originally posted as a comment in Ahmed’s LJ post about his interesting viewpoint about gasp death :p.
Anyway, you can read his post here:
[Note: I only edited it slightly ;)]
As said, probably death is only the end in the perception of our own dimension of physical reality… Come to think of it… What is actually lost in the event of one’s death? Come to think about it, it’s really a very interesting thought…
From my current line of thoughts, death can probably be viewed not as a lost of something physical in existence, but a lost of an illusionary dream/mind. OK, probably that’s too abstract, putting it in an example: when someone/thing dies, the impact that it’ll cause will …
Continue Reading (342 words, 2 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Of Reminders and Restraint
Sometimes I just need a reminder that if I’m taking an emotional break, that is equivalent to enjoying some peace and quiet that has been given to me.
Just that… There are some feelings that I still keep to myself, restraining it… The very same feeling that I had the in the past but to a much lesser degree (Probably it’s a “Deja vu” to some) It’s not that it’s bothering or depresses me or anything, just that I still feel a bit uneasy… It’s like, I still hold the strong belief of making sure one’s feelings and accessing the situation before committing myself to it, just that from time to time I feel as if I have been challenged again and again… Sometimes I feel as if I …
Continue Reading (208 words, 1 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Journey Ahead
From time-to-time,
I couldn’t stop looking back
from where I have been
With awe,
I see the path
on which I have travelled
Looking forward,
I see the path ahead
With awe,
I see vastness
And then,
With hesitation,
My body goes a-trembling…
That pretty much how I feel now… I can’t really finish or polish it just yet as I really have no idea what is going to be ahead on me. (and it’s been a while since I last write poems and stuff, meh…)
Guess I might as well resume with my own plans and work.
Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Endless Journey
Originally posted as a comment in my friend’s blog, but I just think that I want to keep a copy here:
A lot of times, it really depends on how you look at things: What are you thinking when you are climbing a mountain? Is it to conquer the mountain? Is it to prove the strength of oneself? Or is it just to explore and enjoy the journey?
Life is always a continuous journey of different destinations at different times. And what guides you through is your own decisions that you make in due course of time.
Just enjoy the journey! Enjoy the present moment and don’t look back with regrets. Then it’s possible to feel youthful again even after the journey back from the mountain tops :).
Sometimes whether I write these …
Continue Reading (145 words, 1 minute read)Today’s (Short) Drifting Thoughts: Movin’ On
It’s been a while I haven’t been having deep conversations with friends: in several occasions in the past two days, I find myself discussing about matters of success, relationships and life with several different friends. And just some time after these very conversations that I noticed that I still have a really long journey to go: A lot of dreams that I wanted to attain, a lot of current responsibilities that I need to fulfil, a lot of crossroads and challenges that I would need to face. At times like this, I’m still feeling the very same feeling of uneasiness: Of those of the fears getting out of one’s security zone, and of the excitement of the possibilities what change can bring.
Moving on towards one’s life and never look …
Continue Reading (689 words, 3 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: M
A lot of things happen around me when I’m unaware. I doesn’t involve me but then seeing the things revolving around the closest people concerns me.
A time when you’ll get to see that your surrounding good or bad, bubbles up and burst in front of your eyes. Uncertainty and constant change happens every single day. A dream attained can get burst like a bubble, and yet the agony of emotional torture can also be blown away by a calming breeze.
From time to time, I seem to fidget with unease… is it fear? Anxiety? Excitement? Bliss?
Closing my eyes, everything comes and goes. Reflecting back on myself, all clinging seems to me like a fear in disguise. How much certain I am that I’ll still have the things I have …
Continue Reading (277 words, 2 minute read)Today’s (Umm… Yesterday’s) Drifting Thoughts: Of Learning Languages
When I started to get interested with learning languages, my first thought was that “After learning the language, I’m going to be able to understand all the movies, musics, comics and everything else” (i.e. entertainment).
However, having my aunt’s Japanese friend staying over here, I only realised that learning a language isn’t a very glamorous ideal, in fact the point of learning and appreciating a language is, in contary, a very simple and plain affair: it’s all about being able to communicate of a different culture in their everyday life. It’s like… learning how to communicate in order to survive in a new culture, provide a means to understand each other, as well as enhancing your own living in that environment. All these little pleasures come by all the …
Continue Reading (247 words, 1 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: When Communication Is Both The Barrier And Door Towards Understanding
Originally posted as a comment, but I believe it’s worth mentioning here:
I’m not entirely sure whether I interpreted “overcritical” correctly (but assuming that comes from your more direct style of communication you had with people either when people pour their problems out to you, or that you can’t agree on one’s action/decision about something)
If I’m correct at my definition, I personally perceive that it’s not much of a big problem actually, as you said that it’s only miscommunication that causes it. It will happen in one way or the other.
Coming back, basically being direct in your communication doesn’t make you a less nuturing or perfect friend. Well… or probably “being direct” doesn’t make your friends misunderstood you, but I guess you get …
Continue Reading (460 words, 2 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Chances
Originally posted as my reply to a post, but I would love to share this with everybody:
[:: quote from a friend ::]
Today I might have missed one of the most important chance in life. Looking back, I had missed a lot of chances in the past, but it’s not that I didn’t mind at all, but it’s that I never grasp these chances well, never treasured them; or should I say that by the time I wanted to grab it, the chance has already slipped away.
This reminds me of these classic words again: There was a time that an important chance is being placed in front of me …
Continue Reading (367 words, 2 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Of Life
I just watched Bicentennial Man just now and I just can’t stop feeling touched from end to end.
Anyway, just to spare you the story synopsis (I believe it’s not hard to find that DVD, rent or buy), I just go straight to the questions and thoughts that I would love to share. Honestly I won’t say much here, I believe reading between the lines of the dialogue and just watching the movie itself would give enough room to come out with a lot of thoughts and interpretation.
The first thing that came to mind is… what is it really like to be human? What is actually the good thing about being human in the first place? What is actually the purpose of being in existence…? … there’s just a lot of …
Continue Reading (457 words, 2 minute read)