Dentist 3/5 + Revisiting The Closet

Seh Hui Leong


… And so I went back to my hometown again on National Day’s eve (that’s 30 August for non-Malaysians). That’s pretty equivalent of four days of me being an manga-reading-amoeba.

Well, it’s not just about laying on my bed and just read manga though. During my days back in my hometown I have have three visits to the dentist. To cut everything short is that two of my wisdom teeth at my upper jaw was gone, and those two at the bottom got fillings instead of an extraction. The wisdom teeth at the lower jaw is grow at a diagonal angle, therefore the only way to get rid of them is by surgery. But the dentist said that since it didn’t hurt it’d be much easier to just do a …

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Sore Throat

Seh Hui Leong


I had the feeling that I should have visited the doctor yesterday X_X. Been feeling pretty unhealthy today, with symptoms of a cold. So it’s like… having a sore throat (felt more like I had an infection or something), my body having minor sores all over and not feeling all that energetic.

And finding out the doctors around my area are all closed in the afternoon is not helping things out.

I still have to clean my room and do all my laundry, at least my health still allows me to do so. At least after cleaning the room I felt much healthier, I guess I have to sweep it quite often, knowing that my allergies are getting much worse than I thought.

Guess I’m having a “engine breakdown” of the body? Hmm…

Shop for Sexiness?

Seh Hui Leong


Went out of shopping, thinking that I would feel better without the pollen around. Apparently it only got worse :(, with some minor headaches, sneezes and worse, stomach discomfort.

Signals to see a doctor if that doesn’t heal today. (which is most likely)

And, the reason: I need to buy the only thing in my August Mega-Sale shopping list which I haven’t crossed out yet: some unders! I had been wanting to buy them for quite some time as the most major annoyances that I had with the ones I had. It’s like… those were bought by my parents a long time ago (at least a few years, 2 to 5, I guess), and they really don’t know the size of my family jewel when expanded. cough cough So it’s really …

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Seh Hui Leong


The whole morning I have been sneezing so uncontrollably that I just thought to myself that this is just not right. It’s like, I’m perfectly OK yesterday, and I’m perfectly sure that I didn’t make anything that would cause me a cold.

Then don’t know by what chance I notice the strong wind and the rambutan1 tree outside, and it’s just not surprising that it’s blooming flowers.

And that just confirmed that I am allergic to pollen. That means that I will not have any fresh air in my room for some time (my room is JUST opposite the rambutan tree). Damn.

  1. A very popular local tropical fruit, famous for its refreshingly sweet flesh 

Relax @ Work

Seh Hui Leong


No work today, literally :). As the development server is currently undergoing a upgrade, so it’s just the perfect time for us to unwind ourselves in the office.

I sort of tinker with my thumb drive to make it a “mobile workspace”, and sort of picked up PHP along the way. It’s pretty fun at the moment, I would probably need to figure out what else I would love to have in my thumb drive.

I would really like to figure out how to get my portable hard drive to boot linux, but I suppose that can wait, at least soonest being tomorrow.

Other than that, there’s a lot more room for improvements and ideas to manifest, I can’t seem to figure out how these little fragments can fit in together seamlessly …

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糟糕 [Oh No]

Seh Hui Leong





Heartbeat racing, blood rushing throughout the body, the limits of my self control is already challenged to the max. (Seems almost as dangerous as a dormant volcano?)

My hands dangle in the air from time to time, seemed like it shows that situation of panicking on “what should my next move be?” deep down in my heart?

Looks like I have gone deep into it — just so much in love with you, someone that I can’t get hold of until now.

Health Issues Again

Seh Hui Leong


Physically I’m OK, but not in my top form as well.

Had a nasty headache together with dizziness yesterday (migraine?), stomach’s seemed a bit upset (probably due to large intakes of milk) and it has been a very “gassy” week (or weeks?), uncontrollable running nose during the weekends, sneezes at the morning…

Not a good sign indeed.

But in other news, I learnt my first tech para :): Bandido / DJ Zorro. Just really loved that song and I sorta searched online for a techpara for it (I would have choreographed it if I can’t anyway) and yay! 😊 It’s been fun, although it sorta different from Euro para so it does have me getting used to.

Saturday has been fun as I visited Sook Lan’s shop (Lok Lok Street), together with Hui …

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Milk Overdose!

Seh Hui Leong


Been on a milk overdose these day, which I had about a litre of milk per day (half of it being the weight gaining type). And I’m expecting to keep that up for like… 2 to 3 months?

Hope that I won’t be hating milk by the end of the day. ^-^|| (Seeing that I’m the milk loving type, even plain, full-cream milk)

Your Nightmare Is Here!

Seh Hui Leong


A Philips SPA2300! That’s what I got for a new 2.1 speakers :D.

And I’m still getting used to clarity of sound and hardpumping bass, the sound shines instantly with Kitaro’s Kojiki, but the rest sounds a bit unusual to me.

But knowing my dance and rock music ratio, it has the potential to annoy :p.

And… I also got the 1GB thumb drive. At that time, I was really like, hesitating, but I end up going like “AH! What the heck!” And so I got it :p.

Speakers: Now Or Later?

Seh Hui Leong


Hmm… PC Fair’s this week.

I’m still indecisive on whether I should get a new pair of speakers, a small sized 1GB pen/thumb drive or getting nothing at all.

After all, I bought a lot of stuff this month… hmm….