Letting Go
How many times does one fall in love
to someone that is so beautiful and dear
and unable to grasp and hold it close
My gaze remain locked
at this beautiful thing
swimming about gracefully
without any concern of the attention it receives
I clasps my hands together
On one hand, it’s as if I’m begging
for it to come to me
While on the other, letting my internal tensions
fade away through my fingertips
slowly, gently, with ease…
and to let it go…
Full size art at DeviantArt, and you can buy it as a print if you like it.
Look Ma, My Panda is on a Landing Page
I drew the panda – at least that’s something small that I’d brag about :p.
And yeah, as much as they are so stealth that I don’t know the details, if you are using email to handle support queries, you’d be interested in joining the mailing list at http://sapo.to/ for an upcoming solution for your support email hell.
Knowing the team behind it, it’s definitely going to be really exciting! 😄
Under the Bodhi Tree
Going through a slightly rougher patch in life at the moment. The only refuge I can take at the moment is to stay still and be in tune with my true self within.
Walking in the Rain
When life becomes tough and I feel like grumbling about the inconveniences and roadblocks that is in front of me, it’s necessary to remember that I should be seeing the situation from a different vantage point.
With a little bit of detachment, a different viewpoint and maybe with a sprinkle of imagination, life is beautiful after all.
Been digging through a lot of older artworks of mine that I didn’t get to post when I first drew them last year or so. This is one of those iPad finger painting art that I’ve done on Adobe Ideas before I became a fan of Autodesk’s Sketchbook. What I liked about the app is that the you can choose a colour swatch of only five colours as your main palette and the “constraint” does forces me to be creative in using opacity extensively to blend colours. (technically I can still swap the swatches – still it’s a bit tedious if I were to swap the swatches in and out)
Onto the art, it’s a bit of a reflection of how kids would admire the adults and wished that they would …
Continue Reading (211 words, 1 minute read)Divergent Paths
This is also another card-art that I doodled out of randomness years back.
I remembered that this piece came out of my thought exercises of questioning my “what if”’s – the very questioning of the decisions, action and inactions of the past.
I don’t particularly enjoy this activity – it’s just an invitation to a barrage of self-defeating emotions and regret. Maybe it’s just an issue of personal strength and confidence? Considering that there are indeed a lot of life decisions or forgotten dreams that aren’t too late to pursue.
The question is: are you willing to put forth the effort? Or are you just content just sitting there dreaming about it? Or worse, hoping that the positive changes will fall on your lap?
Authentic Self
We are born pure, without pretension.
I may have grown up to whoever I am now, and yet it’s possible that I may not be completely born yet. I’ve been raised and get used to following and chasing what others has told us to do, what ideals we should pursue, what standards to meet. From time to time, I feel a cry from within – a thug felt in the heart, sorrow and misery seeping in and felt through my veins.
What do I feel, I could not explain.
May be, just may be, there’s an inner baby within myself – wanting to be born, to see the world with fresh eyes. If that’s true, please let it be born: breaking away the husk, the shell and the façade, let me be alive …
Continue Reading (175 words, 1 minute read)Dusting Off My Pen Tablet
Look! I designed stickers for Webcamp KL! Graphic design is fun :).
I couldn’t put it more succinct than that.
This particularly applies to my current situation when I find myself restless and constantly seeking out for answers. Combined with my natural tendencies to hoard, I would overload myself with information on how to do something, believing that I need to know everything I possibly can before making the move.
And I forget that the main barrier is actually not taking the first step to make it happens. It’s way more important to allow myself to stop and turn within, as there are answers that I couldn’t possibly seek from the outside.
Honestly I haven’t allow my intuition to flow through me. It’s time for me to slow down and cultivate a space for myself to tune in and tap into that …
Continue Reading (141 words, 1 minute read)Caging Oneself

Bolting up
It’s easy to lock myself in
Shielded away from the outside world
Feeling secure
Despite knowing it’s only my illusion
In a world that doesn’t seem to care
It’s perfectly fine
Staying inside, wallowing in a sea of gray
For a while — for a cloud to slowly pass by
The existence of the bolting lock
And a world that’s colored by myself
Time to get out… Unlock