Office Drama!
OK! Yesterday’s recap (this is what happens when I get too tired to update my LJ after a tiring day, especially when an aerobics class is being thrown in):
A LOT of drama happen in the office yesterday, which cause most of our colleagues going up and down and running around to solve the matter. For those who is getting worried with the word “drama”, don’t worry, because it doesn’t involve any people but office equipment :p.
Just to elaborate, basically what happened yesterday is that we have to go to the 19th floor (we are currently at the 23rd floor) to loan some PCs for our new colleagues. So during the process we spent almost half a day setting up their PC, settling up some office space issues (no thanks to …
Continue Reading (311 words, 2 minute read)[In The News] The Reality in Humanity
This is in the news today:
New Straits Times: ARMOURED VAN COLLIDES WITH LORRY — Money Gone!, reported by Alina Simon
Usual moral commentary aside, all I can say that I’m disappointed with this.
Pent-Up Frustrations
Avoid this at all cost if you don’t want to get yourself stirred into this (minor) emotional whirlpool:
It all started by a very minor and small problem when I’m doing my work.
But eventually as I find myself can’t even able to get rid of this pest from hindering my work, the frustrations get piled up to a point that I got extremely pissed off about it: The feeling is just like when there’s a fly buzzing around you. You know you can swat that fly, but this fly seems to show some cunningness as it avoid and dodges all your offensive attacks. Each and every time you miss it, the fly seems to grow in size, and yet no matter how hard you try, it just seems to find …
Continue Reading (212 words, 1 minute read)Spending Some Time with Friends
And so now I have William, a friend who also doubles as my financial planner :p… well, honestly, he already is my financial planner friend ever since last year XDDD. But I suppose I might be consulting him much more often, for one thing he knows the numbers more than I do :).
Just a recap of things, I asked William out today. Then later we chilled at his place with Max, who is also my friend during my university years. Most of the chatting we do is pretty much catching up with the news as well as discussing stuff. Then later I just relax myself with financial materials while Max spend time with his computer games.
Other than that, it’s a pretty normal day. Learnt some PHP this morning so to prepare myself to …
Continue Reading (184 words, 1 minute read)When Everything Takes A Different Path
Despite having my muscles feeling a little bit cramped today, I went for MIND (Malaysian Independent Developers, also known as Malaysian Independent .NET Developers) meeting today. And boy talk about a low turnout today :(, it’s like… it used to be at least a half-full, now it’s like the head count takes room less than a quarter of the usual auditorium). I wonder why…?
Anyway, I’m just surprised to meet some of my university mates there. Manage to catch up with them for a while, however the disappointing part is that all conversations just scratched the mere surface and nothing deeper. I don’t know, probably it’s because now people treated me like a working professional instead of what they use to treat me when I’m still a university student? Or …
Continue Reading (284 words, 2 minute read)Aerobics Beginner
Phew! Just came back from my first class in aerobics. And phew it’s really intense and it does work the whole body out! Feel muscle strains But it’s really fun :), probably not as fun as para, but it’s kinda interesting to learn out the steps and everything :D.
The teacher commented that I’m a fast learner in this, which is quite a complement to me :). Probably having some sense of rhythm and para practice does help a lot in this? Heh heh 😛
I’m looking forward to the next class! Hope it’s going to be more fun. (Hopefully the intensity doesn’t go far beyond my reach, but that’s a good challenge to me :))
A Sense of Accomplishments is currently up with my old site, Felix Leong presents PEDAGOGIES (which I suppose some RPGamer boardies know that it’s my manga drawing tutorial site when I was active in Fanart section). I didn’t do any changes since the last update three years ago, but that’s about to change ;).
And another thing is that I just learnt the paras for Stay The Night / Dave Rodgers and I Love You Babe / King & Queen, which means that I have completed with learning all the paras in Parapara Paradise 1! 😄 Planning to conquer the remaining few that I haven’t learn in PPP2. And one thing is that I really liked Stay The Night, as in both the song and the para! Luckily the well known Maki’s Biggest PPP Blunder didn’t …
Continue Reading (153 words, 1 minute read)Ouch! The Pain of Failure!
Just got my marked research project back from my boss, and truth to be told, it’s not beautiful at all as major portions of my answer paper got the red ink: which looks as if it was badly tainted by blood after a kill. And boy it’s not only a bad sight, it’s downright dreadful.
OK, it may not seem that bad as it’s a 5.5 out of 10, but by my oridinary standards this is as good as disaster. The only time when I tolerate this kind of standard is that when I don’t really liked something.
But for some reasons, I don’t really feel hurt to a point of crying. I still remember vividly how all the small failures would make me break down to tears …
Continue Reading (224 words, 1 minute read)Let’s Get The Ball Rolling!
Let’s see, some minor news:
- The registration of domain is not without minor hiccups, due to my careless mistake (by keying in the wrong debit card expiry date XDDD) two days ago and some email communication blunders on my part. But everything is settled now, so~ that means that MYPPF is going official :D… well… after the site gets online, anyway :p.
- Paycheck arrived yesterday :). Honestly speaking I heard a lot of excitement of getting their intial paychecks, but after doing the math with my own planned expenses pegs and everything, it boils down to a very uninteresting amount of extra cash. But nevertheless I’m still happy with it :), as I’m lucky enough to have extra cash for me to spend for entertainment. Currently I’m trying to adopt the …
Future Plan
I just want to keep this posted as a public declaration of commitment on my part, as well as a reminder of my own goals that I wanted to achieve in the future:
As much as I have to admit that I am anxious of the change that this plan will brought forth, and that I fear that the plan will not work the way that I intended it to be, I have a strong faith in myself that I am able to do whatever necessary, in a way that it’ll not bring harm to others, to achieve the things that I pursue, and that I’ll commit totally to whatever responsibilities that I had on hand now (including, but not limiting to, work, family, friends, etc.) as well as those brought forth as …
Continue Reading (310 words, 2 minute read)