Today’s (Short) Drifting Thoughts: Movin’ On

Seh Hui Leong


It’s been a while I haven’t been having deep conversations with friends: in several occasions in the past two days, I find myself discussing about matters of success, relationships and life with several different friends. And just some time after these very conversations that I noticed that I still have a really long journey to go: A lot of dreams that I wanted to attain, a lot of current responsibilities that I need to fulfil, a lot of crossroads and challenges that I would need to face. At times like this, I’m still feeling the very same feeling of uneasiness: Of those of the fears getting out of one’s security zone, and of the excitement of the possibilities what change can bring.

Moving on towards one’s life and never look …

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The Big Waves Always Starts From A Small Ripple

Seh Hui Leong


The funny thing is that just as I mentioned things are getting uneventful, all of a sudden things just get an unpredictable turn as a surprising wave seems to sweep me away…

But honestly speaking there isn’t anything major happening yesterday, just that just out of the blue Erika chatted with me on MSN, then later on Choon Hui came to my house for a while to do some stuff. As much as these two events are considered trivial in the eyes of others, it really hard to describe the feeling that I had: a mixture of excitement, happiness, sorrow, sadness… and probably some sprinkles of faked indifference.

But I’m just glad… that I’m still in contact with Choon Hui. As much I know where the line is between the both of …

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The Silent Progression

Seh Hui Leong


It’s been a few days that I have been finding myself in a much mediocre mood (Hmm… Can I really use the adjective “mediocre” to decribe my mood and feelings?). Not really hate it but I don’t really like it either. Just feeling stuck in the middle while I feel like I’m gently being pushed by both sides.

But probably it’s just being a little bit less eventful, I guess. Probably it’s a good time to take an emotional break after all the intense feelings that I have experienced last year :). (I’m wondering whether this statement indirectly conveys the fact that I didn’t really let my past go until now…? Hmm…)

Just came to me like I have more things to learn and to seek in many aspects …

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Running Out of Energy ._.

Seh Hui Leong


I feel so physically drained out yesterday that I feel as if I’m living with my last ounce of energy x_x. Probably I either have been working out too much (currently stays with my daily para practice and aerobic classes), or that I didn’t have enough sleep (I can safely conclude that I need 7 or 😎 or that my daily lifestyle needs some more tweaking.

Feeling much more refreshed today as I slept very early yesterday almost right after I reached home after work and woke up VERY late this morning (at 7 actually, but it’s an hour and a half before my working hours O_O”).

Probably I would need to do some adjustments in my own lifestyle and probably it would take me a few weeks to get things right. But …

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Back From Haitus

Seh Hui Leong


YES! The phone line is finally fixed (thanks to my aunt for that :D)!

Anyway, just a recap of stuff:

About work:

Things are starting to get busy now as we are starting the development for the new release of the system. Somehow the more I looked at the schedule, the more I’m impressed by my boss. It’s really hard to say, since I don’t really get to talk to him much, but I just feel as if he always have those big plans under his sleeves which maximises the potential of all the resources that he had. Definitely somebody that I can learn a lot from :).

About home town and family

My parents are great as usual :D, although without the presence of my siblings does make the house seems quiet …

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Euromach Mania ♥♥♥

Seh Hui Leong


My Euromach CDs just came into the mail today :D! OK, maybe not from the mail directly but I just went to the post office to collect it this morning. And The Best of Euromach 2001 has awesome non-stop remixing goodness <3<3<3! And of course finally I got a copy of Euromach 1 (which I really wanted it so badly)!

And to my surprise I manage to keep my hands on the keyboard while listening to these CDs during work 😛 (instead of making Parapara gestures XDDDD).

Rewinds things back to yesterday and the day before, nothing much happened except the fact that I’m getting really fatigued physically for the past two days x_x. But I’m in good condition now after a really good sleep :).

Other than that… things are getting busy …

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Reading of The Day: Portrait of an Artist as a Lover

Seh Hui Leong


I got this from Osho Times e-mail newsletter and I personally find this a very enlightening read regarding love. It’s a bit lengthy, but it’s definitely worth the time.

Honestly speaking I would rather post a link here, but since I can’t find any permanent link on the site that I can link to, I have to copy the whole article and paste it over here. Just as a disclaimer:

I claim no rights of the reposting of this material, no modifications of any kind has been done to this material and the necessary copyright information has been accompanied with the material itself. Should this act of copying is deemed illegal or inethical, please notify me as soon as possible so that I can take it down upon notice.

As an artist …

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LJ Meme of The Day: Ravenclaw!

Seh Hui Leong


Snagged from Mike-kun: 😊

Want to Get Sorted?
I’m a Ravenclaw!

Hmm… from my memory somehow it does seem that Ravenclaw seem to get the least mention in the books. Hmm… probably geeks are less interesting to talk about :p?

I really wanted to be in Grffindor though, but ah well :p.

Nothing much to say about yesterday, just one of those simple days with a good mood :). Nothing much to do at work, so I’m currently reading up the books which is stored in the shelf in my department :).

Bon Odori (And Other Stuff)

Seh Hui Leong


First of all, The phone line at home is still not fixed :(. So that pretty much cast me off from the Internet, but then it’s not a bad thing as I have some peace and quiet back home.

Anyway, just a recap of about what happened during the weekend 😊 :

盆踊り (Bon Odori)! 😄

'Bon Odori Crowd'

'Kimono clad'

'O-bon Dance'


Went to the Bon Odori carnival 2005 on Saturday together with Sook Lan, Eng Lee and Yuan Hui (my colleagues 😊 ), which is held at the open field of Matsushita Sport Centre.

And so it’s like… I went there by Yuan Hui’s car, who is accompanied by her boyfriend and mother at around 5.30pm. They are really nice and friendly, especially her mom. Considering that her mom owns a bakery and my parents are bakers, we do have something in …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: M

Seh Hui Leong


A lot of things happen around me when I’m unaware. I doesn’t involve me but then seeing the things revolving around the closest people concerns me.

A time when you’ll get to see that your surrounding good or bad, bubbles up and burst in front of your eyes. Uncertainty and constant change happens every single day. A dream attained can get burst like a bubble, and yet the agony of emotional torture can also be blown away by a calming breeze.

From time to time, I seem to fidget with unease… is it fear? Anxiety? Excitement? Bliss?

Closing my eyes, everything comes and goes. Reflecting back on myself, all clinging seems to me like a fear in disguise. How much certain I am that I’ll still have the things I have …

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