New Layout Up!
I have just put up the layout changes for my LJ :D. It’s not perfect, but I think I’ll fine tune it later.
Come and have a look at it! (If you read this entry from a Friends page 😊 )
[Note: I have only tested it on IE6 and Firefox 1.0.7. In case anyone uses a different browser, i.e. Opera or older browsers, do let me know if there’s any problems with it]
In other news, life goes on as I clumsily live my own life… Still practicing what it is to live life to the fullest… without constant analysis with my surroundings. (Does that make me live with my gut feelings? Hmm…)
Could use with real-life training and mentoring. 😊
[Update @ 2:30pm]
Made some CSS tweaks, and since I …
Continue Reading (166 words, 1 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Getting Back To Earth
Originally posted as comments:
I do agree what you are saying, sometimes we (or maybe only I myself) get so immersed in collecting and analysing data that we forgot that our main goal of doing so is to ACT and LIVE. Just collecting and analysing is only as good as building imaginary castles in the sky. (hence a “dream” but not a “goal”, hmm… I think I answered my own question of the day XD)
I wonder whether that makes us mere statisticians? XDDDD
It does seems that I’m forgetting that conceptualization and idealization needs to be accompanied by manifestation and actualization. I really need to pull myself back to earth now :).
Somehow at a personal level, I’m kinda like changing course of direction for the past few months… well, as in what …
Continue Reading (216 words, 1 minute read)Training Oneself
As things (or more specifically emotions and feelings) are starting to calm down a bit, at least I can organize my thoughts better.
And all I can say is that I’m still in my training phase in many aspects: Learning and applying all my knowledge about communication that I have been accumulating in the past and put my values to the test. It’s definitely going to be hard… no doubt about it, seeing how big the impact the shellshock was.
We’ll see how’s things going to turn out then :).
Reading Of The Day: The Psychology of Anger
I don’t think I understand the whole thing, but I think it’ll be useful enough for my future reference.
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The Psychology of Anger
From Osho Times Online: Your Answers on Emotions (Sept 26 Issue)
The psychology of anger is that you wanted something, and somebody prevented you from getting it. Somebody came as a block, as an obstacle. Your whole energy was going to get something and somebody blocked the energy …
Continue Reading (1328 words, 6 minute read)Portfolio: In Hues of Blue — Blueprint
Here’s a blueprint of the final LJ layout:
The colors are painstakingly hard to pick, as it’s really hard to create some warmth with blue alone. But luckily some white, teal and indigo (?) and toned-down contrast helped to ignite the warmth in the design. I didn’t use much pictures though :/, I wonder whether this will make it too flat since there aren’t much texture in it. (Or should I think positive and call it minimalistic? XD) Studying the HTML structure of my layout does make it look easy for me to apply this as soon as possible :).
As for my day, I’m still hovering with the thoughts yesterday, still trying to reposition myself somewhat… Well… at least this is much more easier than the CODS (Crush Over-Dwelling (Dependent? :p) Syndrome …
Continue Reading (177 words, 1 minute read)Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Schizophrenia
Two opposing thoughts, fighting for attention at times when a situation that triggers a strong emotion arises.
One side of it, is much more of an “ideal” self — the self which contains all my own core… or probably the values I perceived to be ideal; another side of it, is much more of a “vulnerable” self — the self which contains all the desires and fears.
Putting myself into the social circle and an exposure to alternatives and opportunities, it really puts me in a shocking situation, as I notice two completely different personalities rising in me, fighting to take control. The internal is completely calm, telling me that I have the power to make the best decisions; yet my external reaction seems wanting to scream and shout, the insecurities rushed into my instincts to run …
Continue Reading (752 words, 4 minute read)Portfolio: New Userpic
Here’s my updated userpic, since my old one has been used for like… 4~5 years (Ah~ I still remember those RPGamer board years).
It’s kinda like a hopeful wish… hopefully I can achieve that little goal… one step at a time.
Impromptu: Jealousy
Even now, I still wished that I’m able to have… what I desired for deep down…
Seeing the people surrounding me being happy… to be honest, deep inside my heart, I’m feeling a bit admired … a little bit jealous…
Portfolio: New SD Self-Portrait
This is probably a representation of my own ideal self (for lack of a better term).
Still working towards that goal.
Question of The Day: Trying Too Hard
Is it that I’m trying too hard? Or is it that I have unconsciously set a impractically high standard upon myself?
And that’s NOT the first time I have asked this question. It seems that I’m now having two opposing thoughts clashing with each other, and that really drains me out sometimes.
Somehow the line between my big picture of life and my own illusions/dreams has somewhat blurred to a point that I really don’t know how to differentiate between them. And what’s worse is that I have completely no idea what is happening that I really can’t differentiate between what is the truth and what is only my own perception of things.
Summary: I really feel out of place — feeling left out, in a way.