Take A Deep Breath…

Seh Hui Leong


I feel so under-prepared for tommorrow’s task. As much as I have finished writing the testing procedures that I have to go through tommorrow, I still feel that it’s not complete enough.

And somehow I’m feeling kinda scared actually: going to work somewhere outside the office and staying there for several days (although I’m a bit relieved that another colleague will be accompanying me) and thinking of the seriousness of the task itself (I really hate the thought of myself screwing up this task).

The boss did reassured me that it’s not really a life-and-dead issue (the only thing he told me is that to make really sure of is that the slot machine does not cause financial problems to the company), and I was given continuous encouragement by Seng …

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Reading Of The Day: The Food Of Love

Seh Hui Leong


I’m kinda wondering the “gay” version of woman’s breast applies as well? 😛

But anyway~

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I claim no rights of the reposting of this material, no modifications of any kind has been done to this material and the necessary copyright information has been accompanied with the material itself. Should this act of copying is deemed illegal or inethical, please notify me as soon as possible so that I can take it down upon notice.

The Food Of Love

From Osho Times Online: Your Answers on Relating (Oct 9 Issue)

As life is…. I divide it in three parts: breakfast, lunch, supper. The childhood is the breakfast-time. And as it happens if you have not been given your breakfast today, you will feel very, very hungry, out of all proportion, at lunchtime …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Separate Worlds

Seh Hui Leong


Feeling as if everyone being an unique individual means that we need to recognize the fact that everyone is living in their own separate worlds: feeling happy when two uniqueness meet with friendliness and love, and be grateful when we part.

Insecurity is always bound to be there, as the only certainty in this world is change and losing possession of everything that is only given to us: anything from physical things to emotional and spiritual attachment.

In other, unrelated news, I cut my hair short today. Other than that, there’s a lot of work related stuff that I need to do before I proceed to some high-priority work on Monday. I will not be at home, and probably I don’t know whether I can update my LJ… but I know there’s …

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Extra Photos (and Unrelated Rant)

Seh Hui Leong


Got some extra photos from Sook Lan’s camera:

'Gua Tempurung Group Shot #1'

'Gua Tempurung Group Shot #2'

'Gua Tempurung Group Shot #3'

'Gua Tempurung Group Shot #4'

Currently feeling all stressed out. Suddenly it’s like tons of work that needs to be done that I feel like being pulled from 10 directions.


Seh Hui Leong


Probably today is just one of those rare occurrence that I was the only one wearing an undershirt instead of a long-sleeve shirt in the office.

It just happens that I went for a blood donation drive today with two of my office friends, Sze Hau and Yuen Hui. Everything was going so smoothly, and just as I was taking my seat in the refreshment area, blood gushes out from the puncture in my arm: obviously it’s not really a good sight seeing blood flowing down my arm. I was tended immediately by the medical staff there and luckily the blood flow stopped soon after that. One of the doctors on duty commented that it’s probably because of me having large veins.

Of course, my shirt got stained by blood in the process …

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Seh Hui Leong


For all muslims (I believe some in my friend list are) who will be going through their fasting month, happy Ramadan :). (If it’s a good way of putting it)

Reading Of The Day: Emotional Ecology

Seh Hui Leong


To solve your problems means to give you an answer that intellectually satisfies you”


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I claim no rights of the reposting of this material, no modifications of any kind has been done to this material and the necessary copyright information has been accompanied with the material itself. Should this act of copying is deemed illegal or inethical, please notify me as soon as possible so that I can take it down upon notice.

Life is Not a Philosophy Class!

From Osho Times Online: Your Answers on Emotions (Oct 3 Issue)

To solve your problems means to give you an answer that intellectually satisfies you; and to dissolve your problem is to give you a method that makes you yourself aware that there is no problem at all: problems are all our …

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Impromptu: The Other

Seh Hui Leong



Maybe it’s because “others” exists, we make ourselves feel lonelier…?

Reading Of The Day: Everyone Has Feelings

Seh Hui Leong


This is a short one from one of the newsletter I subscribed:

ON THE PERSONAL SIDE: “Everyone has feelings”

from Ron Kaufman’s UP Your Service!” Newsletter #87:

There are old friends and new children in Brighten’s classroom this year. It can be hard for new kids to fit in when there are existing friendships in place.

Brighten told me she goes out of her way sometimes to meet new kids and help them feel comfortable in the class.

I was intrigued and I asked her why she makes the extra effort. She replied matter-of-factly, “Everyone is human. Everyone has feelings.”

Copyright, 2005, Ron Kaufman. All rights reserved.

Ron Kaufman is an internationally acclaimed educator and motivator for partnerships and quality service. He is author of the bestselling series “UP Your Service!” and founder …

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Impromptu: Chain Reaction

Seh Hui Leong



Sometimes, I’m thinking… is secret admiration a chain reaction phenomenon?