
Seh Hui Leong


Just one of those really confusing days that I find myself dumbfounded in many aspects. Nothing major happening actually, but the events today just caught me off guard today that I felt as if a big star has fallen on my head and I find myself spinning in circles (Hmmm… FF7 Confuse spell?).

Gah! Just feeling so confused that I don’t know what’s happening with me now X_X||.

Reading Of The Day: The Untrodden Path

Seh Hui Leong


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I claim no rights of the reposting of this material, no modifications of any kind has been done to this material and the necessary copyright information has been accompanied with the material itself. Should this act of copying is deemed illegal or inethical, please notify me as soon as possible so that I can take it down upon notice.

From Osho Times Online: Your Answers Quetioned on Emotions (Jan 22, 2006 Issue)

Using Times of Crisis

I feel so confused…. Good and bad don’t have any meaning anymore.

Whenever there is a crisis of identity, whenever people don’t know who they are, whenever the past loses its grip, whenever people are uprooted from the traditional, whenever the past no longer seems relevant, this crisis arises, a great crisis of identity …

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Little “Big” Things (or Big “Little” Things)

Seh Hui Leong


It’s all about small things that seems big for these two days. OK, probably a big thing that seems small (to me) for yesterday :p.

For yesterday, it’s really a big thing as the whole department staff is as busy as a bee handling the programming competition public lecture and presentation night (it’s a prize giving ceremony with dinner at a very classy restaurant). Really brought memories as I have attended twice, but this time round I’m working instead of the one doing the receiving 😛 (i.e. lectures, dinner and prizes).

The main highlights of the day aren’t the event itself, but what happens during it. Flashing back, I went to Genting Highland with Sze Hau and his two friends, Siao Yen and Wai Kiat (I wonder whether the spelling …

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Dozing Off

Seh Hui Leong


The thing I’d never expect is that my antibiotics pills are the types that would make me drowsy. Which pretty much equates to a very, very sluggish day for me. Glad the boss not around today.

And thank god I have only one left, and that’s for tomorrow morning. Be done and begone!

The sore throat would probably need some time to heal though :(.

Power Of Plastics

Seh Hui Leong


Let’s see… two gold plastics on my hand… emblemed with the internationally known V & M respectively.

The thing that we all know them by the name of “credit cards”.

Scary thought if I broke myself loose in eBay with these numbers on hand now @_@… or any other shop that I fancy, for that matter.


Today’s Drifting Thoughts: 纯 (Simplicity)

Seh Hui Leong


'纯' by Seh Hui

I was reminded the words that I had penned for this artwork three years ago:

脱下沉重的包袱 让一切回归原点 当心灵清醒之时 重新体验简单美


Taking away the heavy burden Let everything return back to it’s origin When the heart and soul awakens Re-experience the beauty of simplicity

I can’t remember exactly how I got that idea from, nor I remembered whether I understood what I’m actually writing and how I actually felt during that time. But I know it held a lot of significance to me during that period. Now, looking at the very same words, it really fits into what I’m actually feeling now: a very indescribable, subtle feeling that probably even I myself will not understand.

Flipping through my own LJ entries in the past, it seems that a lot of these …

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Impromptu: KISEKI - 奇迹 (Miracle)

Seh Hui Leong




A lot of times, always wishing for, looking forward to a “miracle” to happen… But a lot of times, I can’t see it… and I don’t know what “miracle” is actually like.

Maybe that’s why I always persisted, to search…

Coke May Be A Bad Idea

Seh Hui Leong


Apparently, opposing to popular belief, Coke may not be an OK drink during sickness. Apparently when the flu begins, I have that gassy sensation for the whole day that I have to burp a lot to get the air out, or that I feel like an inflated balloon which never bursts. And that continues for hours until I force myself to throw up. After that the gassy problem stopped and that I noticed that some chemical reaction had happened within my stomach which will generate gas (carbon dioxide, probably?). That reminds me of a very cool experiment in high school, the only difference is that it’s not fun when the chemical reaction happens inside me.

I’m starting to recover now, after getting a flu shot from the doctor. Notes to self: Although some …

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Ultra High Fever

Seh Hui Leong


For those concerned, I had a flu and not feeling energetic these three days.

Hoping for a fast recovery and no blood test required.

Impromptu: 明白 (Understand)

Seh Hui Leong




A lot of times, I naively believed that nobody understands me. But a lot ot times I didn’t noticed that even I myself didn’t really made the effort to understand you.

Only to realise that actually I still that stupid. ^-^||