Puppy Love

Seh Hui Leong


No, it’s not about me :p.

Just that when I came home, I just saw Leslie (one of the stray dogs being adopted by my aunt) lying on the lawn rather… well, unenergetically. That seem to tell me that something had happened. And indeed it was, as my aunt told me that both of her puppies has already been adopted.

Rewinding back, Leslie was a stray dog, by her looks and the breed of her she seemed to be abandoned by her owner. Just by chance she liked to hang around in my aunt’s house, and since my aunt had quite a fonding to her that my aunt allowed Leslie to drop by and roam around in the lawn.

One day Leslie gave birth to her puppies in our lawn. Only two of …

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Impromptu: 爱的层面 (Dimensions of Love)

Seh Hui Leong



- 爱与被爱 -

A lot of times, we only knew how to think “if we love someone, what should we do?”, but we always forget the question “if someone loves me, how shall we respond?”

- Love and Being Loved -

Today’s Drifting Thoughts: There Yet Not There

Seh Hui Leong


Few shifts in life… Feeling slightly in the blue, really. Seemingly normal, but still little ripples passing through the heart, wavering with emotions.

Apparently my internal gears got suddenly shifted that suddenly I felt that all the thoughts about love is… complete crap. How should I explain this… It’s like,, after living in between two different extremes, then as time passes by they start to blend together to a certain grayness that… it’s just hard getting used to. Not that I hated it or anything, but it did made me a little bit uneasy as it starts to place everything around me into some sort of a different perspective.

Looking back through the past few weeks… or probably months, sometimes I did wonder whether I’m tricking myself when I’m saying that …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Wingless Angel

Seh Hui Leong










How many of those who have loved before didn’t experience sadness…? This, I don’t know. I only knew that I’m not that already.

Cried totally before, let myself fall into a dark void before.

… How did I manage to survive, I also can’t remember. Is it that I lived by my survival instincts completely…?

Coming to the present, I secretly love someone. Up until now, a lot of times, my mind still has a lot of doubts: It’s not surprising that it is based on public opinion that this relationship is impossible.

… Up until now how did I manage to hold through, I really have …

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Impromptu: Time and Tide

Seh Hui Leong


Through time and tide, through happiness and pain, the tingling pain seems to remind of the broken chains around me…

… What’s next is all about decision and action…

Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Normal Valentine’s Day - Words To You

Seh Hui Leong


OK, let’s put this straight: Sentimentalism will NOT make things better, especially on days that I have come to identify with “romanticism”.

Woa! Big words that I thought I’d never use in my life XD.

Anyway, somehow thoughts get drifted from time to time, but never recorded down… issues are still the same, questions remain unanswered… Still walking on the path continuing on my own journey within.

Months passed by, as I still tending my own little garden and taking good care of myself. From time to time, I feel a little bit panicky, a bit anxious, seeing that flowers were not there yet. It really took me a lot of time and effort to clear away my disappointment and anguish.

Someday, probably, flowers will bloom, eventually.

Impromptu: Brick Wall

Seh Hui Leong



The more I tried to understand, the more harder it is to achieve understanding.

Valentine’s Eve

Seh Hui Leong


Valentine’s day in one more hour. Will not be expecting anything, but any pleasant surprises on that day are greatly welcomed :D.

Wondering whether I want to get something (for myself) to indulge tomorrow :)…?

Peaceful Days

Seh Hui Leong


This week can be simply described as peaceful - simply everything goes on the same after my CNY break.

Of course, that doesn’t mean no changes around me really as things goes on as well with other people: some good, some bad, and some unpredicted accidents. But I’m glad everyone’s OK, just that this temporary separation and knowing what happened during this gap made me understand better that nothing can be entirely sure and that there’s a lot of things beyond our control.

… Just feeling grateful with more things now :).

Impromptu: Mirrored

Seh Hui Leong


Behind every reflection lies a complete different perspective… a different side never noticed.