Old Space, New Space

Seh Hui Leong



Here’s my desk in the old office:

'Old Desk #1'

'Old Desk #2'


Here’s my own partition in the new office:

'New Desk #1'

'New Desk #2'

'New Desk #3'

It’s pretty organized at the moment, but I don’t think that will last for long :p. But I have more space to hoard stuff, I suppose :p.

And yay for having the network fixed :).

Hustle And Bustle

Seh Hui Leong


Not much dust gets flown around during our office relocation, but tons of frustration that gets piled up. Nothing more frustrating than having myself unable to access the company network = I can’t do my job >_<.

To some, it might be a blessing; but with a tight deadline around the corner, it’s an absolute nightmare.

Almost the whole afternoon has seen me silently cursing with any four lettered profanity that I can possibly think of, grumbling with I get some other PC installed as a make-shift solution.

Not to mention the IT support people which takes oh-so-long to come, as much as I know they have a long waiting queue, I’m like “GOD WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG! I WANT IT SETTLED NOW“.


Frustrated, frustrated, frustrated!

grumbles like no end

Anyway …

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Excitement: In Progress

Seh Hui Leong


Just got the IDE cable for my new harddrive, am now checking for any bad sectors in the drive before I unleash my grand masterplan (to plan for my own personal p0rn kingdom? MWAHAHAHA~ >:p)

Anyway, rewinding back: Not feeling very energetic today, that’s enough proof that I need to head to bed early plus some happiness to go with it :). Good mood is always a energy booster :).

Later on, today’s my boss’ birthday and we had yummy rich chocolate cake (of course, at our own expense ^-^||)~

Dust will be flying tomorrow as we’ll see our own boxes gets four floors down, hoping nothing more than a smooth transition (although in reality, this hope is always less than certain). Will be exposing ourselves to different set of people. Anxious? Of course (after …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: 寻觅::自己 (Search::Oneself)

Seh Hui Leong








Have you ever been asked for a photograph of you?

Picking one from all, is it easy, or is it difficult? It seems that I searching hard for it on the traces of time, but I can’t seem to find that photograph.


Is it that I can’t find the one that shows my “perfect self”? Thinking about it, only to realize the partialness of that “perfectness”: It’s only an “illusion” “manufactured” for others to see.

What I can’t find, is not the photograph; but of my true self.

Have you found yourself…?

Excitement: Pending

Seh Hui Leong


Bought myself a 250GB hard disk today, only to find out that I still need to get myself an extra IDE cable and four more screws for it when I wanted to install it into my machine (sees excitement level plunges down). But anyway, will get that soon enough :), and I think it’ll be a great weekend project.

Downloading stuff that I wanted to install while the hard disk sits on my desk. (more specifically Linux installation CDs)

In other news, cleared up my desk today. Now it’s completely clean with minimal stuff on the table :).

Environment Change: The Beginning

Seh Hui Leong


Spent half a day shifting most of the files downstairs, the boss is clocking in at 19th floor from tomorrow while we will start to shift down on Friday.

… Still waiting for the dust to settle down, I suppose :).

Reading of the Day: Overwhelming Love

Seh Hui Leong


- The Usual Disclaimer -

I claim no rights of the reposting of this material, no modifications of any kind has been done to this material and the necessary copyright information has been accompanied with the material itself. Should this act of copying is deemed illegal or inethical, please notify me as soon as possible so that I can take it down upon notice.

From Osho Times Online: Your Answers Quetioned on Emotions (Feb 26, 2006 Issue)

On Overwhelm?

Often a feeling that I can’t describe fills my heart and my whole being. It is there in deep love — but a similar feeling also comes up in fear, anguish, pain, helplessness and frustration.

There is certainly something very similar in very different emotions: the overwhelmingness. It may be love, it may be hate, it may be …

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Impromptu: 普通 (Ordinary)

Seh Hui Leong





Sometimes, I suddenly remembered
I’m also an oridinary person

Able to feel jealous, envy, inferior,
Able to feel worried, sad, lost.

But… it’s not really a bad thing
Made me realise that I’m still have “feelings”

Till The Dust Settles Down

Seh Hui Leong


Finally~ Whole day spent and I finally get most of the work done, if not all.

It’s such a dusty, dusty day that I sneezed occasionally and felt some skin irritation, but there’s nothing more rewarding than a comfortable space :).

Here’s my progress report :).

Computer table, now with enough space for me to actually work on stuff

'Computer Table' by Seh Hui



'Before shot'


'After shot'

Look ma! No books scattered on the floor now. (But notice that the books on the bottom shelf is arranged horizontally. I really need a new shelf sooner or later ^-^||)

The other table which used to be my junkyard was finally cleared off. Notice the bags of trash on the floor.


Image hosting by Photobucket

This is the result of 3 years of constant hoarding, luckily the are recyclable.

(Note: Only those on the floor, right …

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Spring Cleaning, Again! :D

Seh Hui Leong


Phew! Just gone through another round of spring cleaning. This time round the changes are really drastic as I kinda go into extremes on chucking stuff out. The criterion: Any perceivable “useful junk” that I have haven’t used for at least a year. And literally i kinda shocked myself almost half of the items lying around in my room, bathroom and computer table was cleared away… thinking how much junk I can accumulate after three years of living under the same roof with my aunt. These junk pretty much range from leftover toiletries that I don’t like, to printed materials that I’d never bother to read, to bootlegged game soundtrack CDs (read: Ever Anime stuff)… and to some extent, some mementos that I had carried with me but doesn’t have any …

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