Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Frame of Time, Frame of Reference

Seh Hui Leong


Steven (one of my best friends in university) came and stayed overnight yesterday. It did made me feel that time flies so fast ever since I started work in May and graduated in August, and him being at Singapore for quite some time (he went there to work between that period).

Catched up with a lot of stuff with him and apparently he have been through quite a lot in life… sparing all details, a lot of current issues was brought up pertaining to love, trust, respect, duty, sexuality, parent-child and much more was been discussed and pondered deeply.

Relating to my impromptu post, it’s like… it’s pretty much a very big question to be really pondered, actually. Being through all the life’s ups and downs, it does seems that from a …

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Impromptu: Faith

Seh Hui Leong



In a life without certainties and eternity, what is to be believed in?

Impromptu: ?

Seh Hui Leong




A lot of times, I feel as if my life is a question mark? The possibilities are so boundless that up until now that I still feel lost, things that I don’t understand are being thought to a point of complete confusion.

The curiousity in me which constantly guessing, maybe it’s just like a blackhole like what everybody has been describing it! 😛

Internet Free Week

Seh Hui Leong


I’m officially going to enjoy a Internet Free Week(tm), at least when I’m at home. So don’t expect to see me online when I’m back home. 😉

Knowing the fact that I will be heading back to my hometown to check the new house next week, I won’t be able to enjoy much Internet anyway (in case my broadband account is back up).

So~ it’s a good time for me to enjoy traditional media at the moment :). Reading books, drawing stuff, do some writing…

Till then, the only constant nagging on my head is to work things out as soon as possible to have the Internet back up. Hmm… contradictions :p.

Back To The Drawing Board

Seh Hui Leong


It’s day four since my Internet was down. And I’m to lazy to swap my 56K modem back in so I’m literally out of touch from the Internet.

I forsee that I won’t be back up until TMNet settles the glitch, which might be from now to a few days (weeks?) later. But I’m confident that this will get settled soon :).

Till then, updates during office hours! 😛 (Don’t bring that business/employee ethical issues, please? :p)

In other news, I’m still kept to my toes and pressing matters are on in the office. Stress and challenges are piling up at the moment when I’m close to having my job confirmed.

Just hope for the best :).

Tight Rope

Seh Hui Leong


I was pretty much on my toes the whole day just now X_X||.

First off my ADSL broadband connection suddenly went off yesterday, which all I can see my modem is that the ADSL light just kept on blinking, which really doesn’t serves much of a help, really.

But I’m too tired to care about surfing, so I was thinking of leaving it alone and call the tech support later.

Then today, it had been really hectic as there’s a ISO certification meeting tomorrow and there’s some last minute issues, hitches and glitches that really made me running round the office in full circles to iron things out.

Then there’s just many work related stuff that I needed to catch up, which is really stressful and I don’t really …

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Impromptu: Appreciation

Seh Hui Leong




Isn’t appreciated, doesn’t know how to appreciate, yet wanting to (appreciate/be appreciated)1.

Humans, are really strange. ^-^||

  1. This sentence can be interpreted in two ways, make your pick :p. 

Take A Chance! - Splurging ^-^|| -

Seh Hui Leong


Oops! I did it again!

Anyway, just went to PC Fair just now (it’s basically a very popular computer shopping cash and carry event in Malaysia). The original intent: My sister asked me to get her some MP3 players and portable storage (or also known as USB sticks/memory).

After some hours of strolling, the best deals for pure music players without all those fancy colours screens have to be these from Duraplus:

'Duraplus D727'


'Duraplus D788'


These little beauties are small, inexpensive, and does impressive work on MP3/WMA playing, voice recording and plays clear FM radio. Definitely recommend that you check them out straight from DURAPLUS themselves (somewhere in between Hall 3 and 4).

Then the unexpected splurge of the day which make me back in debt (well… kind of …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Pondering Under The Same Sky

Seh Hui Leong






With absent-mindedness, watching that vast blue sky, what my heart’s wishing? What did I saw.

In a boundless universe, how large was the space of that so-called “limit”? The distance that I’m able to see, the things that I’m able to know and understand maybe it’s only just that much, I think! ^-^||

Watching myself from afar, Am I lonely? Or am I happy?

Maybe I can only just give an innocent smile and say “I don’t know!” 😛

Nothing For Certain

Seh Hui Leong


It’s definitely a totally different stack of cards that I have to deal with, with some sudden/unexpected changes that is going to occur in the future.

I’ll leave the details until the time comes.