受伤 [Injured]

Seh Hui Leong







Wasn’t today just like every other day! Why I felt like crying in the car just now.

The unknown sadness and unknown pricks of the heart… Even myself don’t know why was that.

…Is is really that I’m hurt? Even if it’s just a small cut, the pain can still be felt, I think… but it seems that I can’t find a suitable plaster to cover it up at the moment.

Just at this kind of day, why I kept on longing for some calming fantasies — Wishing that I’m able to get some tender and care from you: Letting me to find support on your …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: 猜测 [Guessing]

Seh Hui Leong






这个时候,才深深体会到,原来自己也是有错:每一句对我说的话,即使多琐碎也好,即使多虚伪也好,即使多讨厌也好,原来也是有“价值”的 -- 就是那么希望去了解别人。

A lot of times, repetitively asking the same questions, but not getting a real answer.

Sometimes, it has been asked so many times, probably I gave up of asking myself, so I didn’t further pursue the matter, didn’t ask anymore.

That’s why a lot my perceptions towards you, can be considered as my own guessing, and sometimes it’s even my own imagination.

Unable to be sure this is the actual fact, the real you: this feeling of having artificial perceptions towards others, is really something that I hated a lot.

At this time, I can deeply feel, I myself is in the wrong as well: Every …

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Question of The Day: Knowing

Seh Hui Leong


How much do I really need to know about someone that you really cared and loved? As much as I knew I don’t need to know every single detail of everything, and probably it won’t make much use anyway. But…

Today’s Drifting Thoughts: A Blast To The Past

Seh Hui Leong


Been uploading some REALLY old artwork that I have done.

It’s pretty fun sharing those artworks that I had in the past: the days when I devote a lot of time drawing stuff and scribbling characters that I adore a lot. Although the artwork is pretty simple and not something that is impressive, the sort of rawness in skill is something that really captivates me: the feeling of youthfulness.

As my own skills improved, I personally find myself drawing less and less. Maybe that I’m losing motivation? I have other priorities? Or is it that I’m pretty frustrated at myself staying in that level of “good” but not “greatness”? Or maybe as time past by, I accumulated so much art and comparing it by amount with the stuff I have drawn lately …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: 吵架 [The Fight]

Seh Hui Leong






It seems like I had a fight with him yesterday, at least that I felt that way. How bad I felt at that time, I’m fully aware of it.

That “quarrel” between us, is it really a fight or is it that I’m just imagining things? Or is it that short “Nvm” (Nevermind) seemed so cold, that really made me felt even hurtful?

I don’t know why, I always felt that when there’s some friction between me and someone I felt important, I was always in the disadvantage. Seems that no matter if I’m sad, or that I’m mad, when I spill them out …

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Bad Coffee Day

Seh Hui Leong





Today I really cried, (it’s) really a terrible day.

(I) don’t need any consolation, just wanted to vent it off.

That’s all to it.

Skin Like Orange

Seh Hui Leong


Keeping things short:

  • Mood fluctuations, but mainly work stress
  • Got myself a new pair of glasses, which I won’t be posting photos now because I’m currently un-photogenic :LOL:. Anyway, my eyesight is facing a slight decline… but still it wasn’t a good sign. 😞 But I just got one of those thinner lenses which is claimed to have smaller degrees of distortion. And now, apart from an unusually clear vision (close to 20-20?), I’m still in the progress of getting used to views with lesser distortion 😆 (imagine when you switch from a normal, curved screen TV to a flat panel, the difference is more or less the same, albeit it’s not that obvious to the eyes)
  • By accident, I went to one of those free outdoor concerts organized by My FM …
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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Digging Into My Archives

Seh Hui Leong


Spent a lot of time digging into my hard drive and post deviations (ala Deviant Art) like MAD!!! 😆

I don’t know, probably I’m currently just seeking of some sort of escape? Or because of some other reasons, but one thing for sure is that looking back at my artworks in the past is like going down the memory lane and look back at the past.

Surprisingly, I can still remember how these artworks were “born”: it’s sort of like memories that was not recalled most of the time but has remained etched since the day something was created. And through that, I’m still able to recall the feelings that I had when I have produced every piece of work.

As much as I didn’t drew much lately, all the arts …

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DeviantArt Account

Seh Hui Leong


Well… just thinking of a need to dump my own sketches somewhere, and so I had an account :).

The recent artworks I had done and posted on LJ was featured there in the “Scraps” section and I have added some comments to it. But, to be VERY honest, I wrote those comments for the sake of writing them XD. (well… not really, as I have put some thoughts into it and explains about my own experiences when I drew these arts. And these comments weren’t something that I would like to remember, hence it’s not in this LJ)

BTW, they are in full size (640x480) instead of 320x240 that PhotoBucket had made them to be (due to file size restrictions).

From My Portfolio: Scribbles & Doodles

Seh Hui Leong


Some random doodling time again. Still trying to get used to write on a graphics tablet, and get all the strokes nicely…

'明るい世界へ (To a bright world)' by Seh Hui

'Angelic Turbulence' by Seh Hui