Impromptu: Opening The Door

Seh Hui Leong


Slowly, I’m opening that door: A door that acts as a mask from the outset. It’s hard to say anything but to live the moment, learning from every joy and pain coming in the door.

Impromptu: Attention

Seh Hui Leong


Reflecting back on myself: Sometimes a manipulator, sometimes an exhibitionist.

Milk Overdose!

Seh Hui Leong


Been on a milk overdose these day, which I had about a litre of milk per day (half of it being the weight gaining type). And I’m expecting to keep that up for like… 2 to 3 months?

Hope that I won’t be hating milk by the end of the day. ^-^|| (Seeing that I’m the milk loving type, even plain, full-cream milk)

Late Night Shopping

Seh Hui Leong


'On the Shoulders' by Seh Hui

Yes, it’s true, that what I did just today.

I was like shopping and on my way to the bus station, and saw it dispatched right in front of my eyes. And I’m like… “Oh great, now I have to walk my way home” (which is only like a 10 minutes walk anyway)

But with my heavy groceries, they ARE heavy. No way of getting my arms elongated. 😛 And since I got that mop stick on my hands, I sorta came up with the idea of carrying my stuff — the traditional way.

At least it’s much lighter than having them hanging with the support from my grips.

Impromptu: Not What It Seemed

Seh Hui Leong


Sooner or later, people are bound to realise that I’m not what I seemed to be. Facing the unexpected aspect of me, how people will respond? How I’ll be able to handle and respond as well…?

Your Nightmare Is Here!

Seh Hui Leong


A Philips SPA2300! That’s what I got for a new 2.1 speakers :D.

And I’m still getting used to clarity of sound and hardpumping bass, the sound shines instantly with Kitaro’s Kojiki, but the rest sounds a bit unusual to me.

But knowing my dance and rock music ratio, it has the potential to annoy :p.

And… I also got the 1GB thumb drive. At that time, I was really like, hesitating, but I end up going like “AH! What the heck!” And so I got it :p.

Speakers: Now Or Later?

Seh Hui Leong


Hmm… PC Fair’s this week.

I’m still indecisive on whether I should get a new pair of speakers, a small sized 1GB pen/thumb drive or getting nothing at all.

After all, I bought a lot of stuff this month… hmm….

The Never-Ending List

Seh Hui Leong


OK, now “cooking” is definitely in my “to learn” list. Just being able to prepare some simple ones would do (i.e. Light cooking). But since I didn’t have any personal fridge space, I wonder when is the chance…

Definitely the thing I’d would learn as soon as I move out, which is part of my own plan in a pretty distant future.

August is definitely a spending month, and I’m planning to use at most RM500 from my savings to satisfy my never-ending wish list. The Zen:Vision have to wait though… 😒 as much I’m very much tempted to buy it as my music collection has hit the iPod’s limit. (But my fair guess is that those CDs that I couldn’t live without would probably take around 5 …

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Small School Regret

Seh Hui Leong


There’s one subject that I really regret that I didn’t make much effort to learn and understand in my own schooling years: Math! @_@ Somehow I realize that I’m losing some of the fun without it.


Seh Hui Leong


It’s been a while… finally got some extra energy to really manifest these energies to learn how to create something. Been spending some extra time to pick up programming and drawing again, and taking every chance to expose myself to real-life Japanese text. Pretty much still at the crawling phase, it’s hard to say whether it is sustainable… But it’s OK, one step at a time.
