Today’s Drifting Thoughts: 4th Entry in A Row— Sky Blue

Seh Hui Leong


Hmm… Another entry…

Anyway, been to Sunway Piramid alone just now: which is an activity that I always engage in… Sometimes I just prefer to stroll around alone, so that I can bring my mind, heart and soul for a stroll as well without the need to giving attention to others: pure undivided attention onto myself.

I am thinking of buying Koda Kumi’s 1000 Words single (which I used to saw one copy there months ago)…. However I can’t find it ;___;. Originally I was thinking of not buying anything, but suddenly one of the CDs in the budget corner caught my eye: dream’s eternal dream CD. Honestly, I personally didn’t like dream that much (well… at least I don’t really like their SEB remix album), but it just seem …

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My Sister Is The Greatest (Of Course Same with Everyone :3)

Seh Hui Leong


I just received this text message from my sister, and she’s so sweet that I’m really touched to tears <=3.

Just to post it up here:



Hey, happy birthday! I was thinking of sending my best wishes to you at midnight, I’m too tired that I forgot about it. I heard that there’s a lot of friends celebrating it with you! I’m so jealous (:p), the most important thing is that you already have a girlfriend! (Ed: Umm…. XDDD Well, actually I would say there’s a big possibility that I would give it another go when the time is right… which won’t be long… I guess XDDD)

Are you happy/having fun? Is all …

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Hmm… One of Those Birthday… Umm… Nevermind XDD

Seh Hui Leong


Woke up late, miss work XDDD. So I’m at home now :p.

But actually I did that pretty much on purpose though, because I do need to revise for my mid-term test tommorrow. I just find another day slot of fill in the day off I took, just to be responsible :p.

Is thinking of going out today, but I suppose I have to do that AFTER my revision ;____;. Bleh, I think I’ll go later in the afternoon to buy myself a birthday present :p.

And The Most Important Day In My Life (This Year, At Least XD)

Seh Hui Leong



Oh yes! Today’s my big double two’s ^^, and that signifies the beginning of my 23rd year in life :).

Since I’ll be working tommorrow today, so Erika, Steven, Rachael, Soo Hoo and Carin (Did I spelt that right?) throw a small birthday party for me today yesterday 😊. Albiet a bit small, but it’s extremely sweet of them…. :). glomps them all

So today I got two birthday presents :3. One is from Grace, who gave me a cool ornament bottle. Basically it’s a bottle filled with blue liquid with some silvery substance, which, when you turn it over like a snowglobe, you’ll see all these silvery substances mix up with blue substance and it creates some sort of a moving satin/silky effect. Which is really cool visual effects <333 …

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On A Much Serious (Yet Light [HAH! Ironies XDDD]) Note

Seh Hui Leong



After all that pented fury being release elsewhere (my LJ, actually), it seems that I’m able to get my defensiveness and ego down to go to meet up with the Students Affairs Department (I wonder whether I should capitalise that… Any English grammarians around?). But nonetheless I’m feeling a bit nervous when I entered the room, then pretty much my priorities are being set straight: That I would really want this to work out and I want the freshmen to have a booklet that would set the expectations and hopes for the university themselves.

Then I remember what the message that I really wanted to convey, in whatever art form I design: A beginning of journey with hopes, together with a sense of togetherness, unity and harmony, to set out for a …

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I Wonder Whether Is This What They Wanted…

Seh Hui Leong


'Orientation Programme Cover version 3'

If this is what they wanted (or at least the style they wanted), then my life would be much more easier because this one took me less than 30 minutes to generate it with Sodipodi (a open source vector art program, the features are kinda basic, but it’s powerful enough to create cool vector art). But I’m switching to it’s sister Inkscape because Sodipodi can’t seem to export their own art without crashing itself (BOO! 😠 ).

Tomorrow’s the meeting with the dreaded SAD department. I’m really looking forward to something that would prove my perceptions wrong all the while.

The Apprehension…

Seh Hui Leong


It’s now days after I have been having some sort of apprehension building up…

Is it that I’m spreading too thin: that looking at my current responsibilities that I’m carrying now making me shiver from the spine? (read: deadlines)

Is it that I’m nervous: that I’m getting closer to my graduation days? (read: Dang I still haven’t started to build connections/future plans/blah blah blah…)

Is it that I’m afraid…: that I’ll lost the precious gifts that I have been given once we get far apart…? (read: Choon Hui and Erika)

… Or is it something… else?

Somewhat my apprehensions have messed up my mood and mind big time. Although frankly speaking all three things I mentioned above is definitely NOT problems in the first place, since …

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I Have The Urge To Kill

Seh Hui Leong


Both of my designs got rejected, as much as I have spent nearly a week to produce them! AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!

stabs! strangles! drown slaugthers! [insert-any-creative-form-of-murder-here]!


thinking of deleting them straight away… but yet cools down before I actually do so

I love my cover arts ;____; sniff … and I’m proud of them as well, because it’s been a while I haven’t been drawing actual artwork ;____; sniff sniff

Ah well… guess I have to design a few abstract ones (which is something that I’m more confident in doing in less than 1 day).

[:: to Nine ::]

Being a brave soul, I bought Nuage …

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Yet (Another) Booklet Cover Design

Seh Hui Leong


Somehow I do need to think of a way to scream my lungs out because I didn’t sleep proper today just to get one design done for the ugh Student Affairs Department (codename: SAD).

They better don’t ignite my anger and fury.


'Orientation Programme Cover - Design #2'

I experimented with a new colouring style for this one, and it turns out to be quite cool indeed :). Yet another proud artwork from me ^^b.

AHHHHH~~~ I’m in A Scary Movie

Seh Hui Leong


Just something that I found funny just now, it’s like… all of a sudden I kept on hearing buzzing noises somewhere, and later on the lights starts to flicker like mad… then all of a sudden the place got dark… everything went silent… After a while, the lights started to flicker again, with every single light flickering in dischord…seemingly to showing something sinister is coming…

… Then it gets dark again… no matter how hard I try to flick the switch… the switch only emits a buzzing sound… at the same time you can see there’s flickering electric in it… scaring that something back is going to happen… I stayed back….

Everything is so spooky… I’m starting to afraid… starting to afraid of the dark…

… Then… the lights are back on… and …

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