Today’s Drifting Thoughts: 冷たい (adj: Cold)
Due to the rain, the atmosphere around is pretty cold throughout the whole day. Everything seems to be pretty cloudy the whole day, but not gloomy at all. Looking at the clouds themselves… they seems to look like some sort of a silk blanket covering the whole sky.
Somehow this kind of weather pretty reflect on my own emotions now. It’s like… not really positive, but it wasn’t being close to negative as well. Just feeling a bit cold…
As much as today is pretty busy day for me, well, being around with people and stuff, it just seems that I can’t stop feeling… alone, even when I’m among friends. What really interest me was the fact that… this feeling of aloneness doesn’t feel positive, but doesn’t feel negative …
Continue Reading (780 words, 4 minute read)ARGH! [This Time: Final Year Project X(]
Argh! I’m having the headaches with my final year project. 😣
Guess starting things is always the toughest part, I’m still stuck at the simple stuffs in programming my application. 😣
Anyway, probably I won’t be roaming around lately, online or offline. Hopefully I can get stuff done… SOON!
Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Year 2004 — Through the Looking Glass: Part IV
April 2004 — When Drama Unfolds, It Might Be A Good Thing As Well
“It’s like… we are the observers of our own life, anticipating something, a goal, perhaps, to happen.” — April 11, 2004
Main Events:
- Caught up with orange juice addiction (which pretty much means that I’m addicted to anything citrus :p)
- Nine/Phil/Nine… whatever XDD became my PPS friend, and still will be the most enjoyable Internet friend I had (well… as much as I would say that we didn’t talk much, but I really enjoyed his stuff :3)
- Become much more active in Parapara: in terms of dance performance… umm, practice would be a better word :p, and choreography 😊
- Completed MYPPF -The Animation- and the response is a blast! 😄
- Have my first taste of online relationships… but apparently it …
Some Extra Photos
Originally I’m a bit too lazy to post too many photos up, but somehow Erika seems to persuade me to post a few up, so I handpicked some photos that I liked from my recent digital photo album (gotta love my digital camera 😉 ):
3 Jan: One of the much matured hairstyle that I did for myself 😊
25 Dec: The grand Christmas tree over Ikano Power Centre
5 Jan: My best friends in UTAR (my university, that is :p): [from top, left to right] Kok Weng, myself, and Steven
The Felix Makeover 2005: New Glasses <333
ハンサムでしょう? 😛
Bwee~ Just got my new specs. 😊 Honestly speaking when I first got it this morning and tried it, I didn’t really liked it at first though :p. Probably the feeling I had yesterday has carried forward, I guess. But after a while when my mood picked up later, I found myself looking in the mirror once too many. 😛
I suppose what makes you feel good and ahem handsome is perhaps a great mood ;). Ah~ I just love that feeling of confidence. Of course, knowing what kind of mood I’m having yesterday and what I felt, I suppose I need to keep that attitude myself :).
On a personal note, well… probably I’m still clinging on to what I’m not able to own (well, you know what I mean)… which somewhat does …
Continue Reading (240 words, 1 minute read)Feeling Giddy
Learnt a new word today when I browse through the LJ mood list:
Giddy [adj]
- Having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling
- Lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
The first one would definitely fit what I’m feeling right now, because it seems that I didn’t get a good nap as well as the electrical surges are making the lights flicker. Ouch… >.<
Anyway, duh… dizziness… @_@…
Just some sidenotes… as much as I really liked my new look, somewhat all of a sudden I just feels that it didn’t suit me. Well… It’s not that I don’t like it, in fact I really love the look because I really like the fact that it shows out my confident self. Just that I really don’t know what happened which triggers …
Continue Reading (221 words, 1 minute read)The Heart Throbbing Experience :p
2nd day of class: met more of my old friends, got more comments on my new hairdo, being in the same class with the people I loved — what can I expect more? 😊
Seeing them really makes me really happy, and it was quite a heart throbbing experience to see their existence :). I don’t know… probably we might not get to meet in the future… which is something that I’m afraid of. But I’m just glad to see them around and to be by their side for a slight moment ;).
Currently trying to get Linux into my system, it didn’t go as smoothly as I thought, but I’m trying to iron things out a little. I’m lucky to have my iPod to double as my external hard drive right now …
Continue Reading (202 words, 1 minute read)The Beginning of An End
School starts! 😄
So yeah I finally get to come back to school at last ;). As much as I’m excited about it, it really hope that it’ll not end soon… because this semester will be my last in this University. 😞 Lots of good memories, guess I have to treasure every single moment I had left.
The classes are pretty boring actually, but I’m more glad to see my friends around :3.
Been getting quite some attention with my new hair :3, and I really enjoyed my new look. Other than that… Well… I’m feeling a little bit emotional today in a subtle manner. It’s really hard for me to express how I’m feeling, but all I can say that it’s pretty positive ;).
Anyway, wish me luck throughout this semester.
Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Year 2004 — Through The Looking Glass, Part III
March 2004 — First Taste of Clingin’ On
“As much as I tell myself that I have to let it go, I didn’t… I was living a dream… but I hate to admit it…” — March 2, 2004
Main Event
- Depression period starts
- For the first time I ever I owned Japanese Yen~ (but sent to Dom to get some CDs during her Japan trip later :p)
- MYPPF -The Animation- is in work in progress, and close to finishing it
- Got canned soup for the first time and currently enjoy to have them once in a while 😊
- Sent my loan application… ON TIME 😄
It’s about two months ever since Bean left, but having him to be my first crush, obviously it’s really hard for me to let go. Every time when I tried …
Continue Reading (439 words, 2 minute read)The Felix’s Makeover 2005: More On Room And Hair
I wonder whether I’m starting to get the kicks or am I starting to be just plain crazy, I’m starting to get find this makeover thingy more and more fun, perhaps to a point in which I find really addictive :p.
For today, just around noontime when I woke up, I straight away took my broom and mop and cleaned up and rearranged some stuff in my room, and now my study table and bed portion of the room looks extremely neat and tidy, not to mention sparkling clean now :3. Now I still need to clear up the mess on my bookshelf, the closet, my computer table in the hall, and start to take out some of those recyclable materials that I have accumulated until now. Bwee~
But somehow now I’m …
Continue Reading (471 words, 2 minute read)