Grey Matters

Waiting to Get Home

Seh Hui Leong


I have been here… waiting… only to see everyone passing by without taking notice.”


Yeah, it’s been a while I haven’t been doing the photo posts again ^^.

Anyway, apart from getting the blues (read CODS), the post whores in our University’s online forum is starting to get on my nerves. Well… as much it wasn’t anywhere close to what RPGamer used to have (read: Wyvernlord and Lord Dycerag… shivers…), I really hate to see people posting meaningless post which contributes nothing, especially when these posts appears in serious discussion threads. What do they think an online forum is? A chatroom?!

Ugh… whoever had moderated the RPGamer boards during their existences has definitely get my salutes (I believe Rico was one of them).

Now let me think of how to shoot them down… seriously.

Final Year Project Stress Attack

Seh Hui Leong


AAAAAAHHHHH~~~~!!!! >.<”

Still pulling my hair out to code the stuff which looks seemly simple, but extremely complex to solve.

Somebody ought to shoot me.

More Whoring :p

Seh Hui Leong


For those who haven’t actually seen me Parapara before :3, here’s some of my latest videos:

(For PPS’ers, you can skip this since I know most of you got them already, or at least know where to get them :3)

Crazy For Love / Dusty

Choreograph: Parapara Paradise 2 (Twinstar)

  • [MPG]
  • [WMV]

Boogie Boogie / King & Queen

Choreograph: AJC (Ahmed’s original)

  • [MPG]
  • [WMV]

Ding A Ling / Jilly

Choreograph: MYPPF (i.e. I made this dance myself ^^b)

  • [MPG]
  • [WMV]

Being offtopic, I bought my hairdye today, and my hair will see another colour change two weeks later, so… that pretty means that pictures will be up then ^^.

*Slumps!* (with Tons of Pictures :D)

Seh Hui Leong


Slept for almost the whole day today x_x”. Way too tired due to the fact that I didn’t slept enough during the past few days and basically the time spent is to pay off my sleep debt. But at least my dark circles are gone :p.

Anyway, nothing much to say about today except that I have a lot of work to do right now. Mostly catching up the stuff I missed online. 😸 Here’s the photographs that I have promised you guys ^^:

Proof that I have won, bweeee~~~ 😄

'Winning the EGPC'

During my Genting Trip


Hello sunbeam <=D

'GICC Convention Centre'

The convention centre where the public lecture is held

'CNY Deco #1'

'CNY Deco #2'

'CNY Deco #3'

'CNY Deco #4'

Chinese New Year decoration in Genting Highlands

'Photo w/ Choon Hui'

Bwee~ I had my wish ^^. Honestly up until now I didn’t have the courage to ask Choon Hui to have a …

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The Felix Makeover 2005: Fire Style (Finally, And Some Gifts From Others ^^b)

Seh Hui Leong


Honestly I’m totally beat when I’m on my way home, but Erika asked me out since she said that she won’t be free tomorrow to shop for my clothes. And so I went out. Honestly speaking my mood isn’t really good, still feeling heavy because of the CODS but I went anyway. But it turns out to be much more of an awkward situation because I kept my silence for the first half of the shopping trip. But I’m glad she took me out in the first place because I do have fun after this ^^.

But luckily the pants in Soda’s bargain bin seems to catch my eye and it only took me 30 minutes or so to complete my Fire style for Chinese New Year ^^b. But honestly …

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I’m Alive! :D

Seh Hui Leong


OK, just to say that I’m still alive, but my dialup Internet credits has been used up so that I won’t be able to be online these few days. Still prodding my bank to get my Internet bill settled :’-(.

Anyway, quite a few major events happening. Just to make things short, I’m having the CODS during the past few days, which is pretty aching :’-(. Then on Saturday, I went to Genting to participate the Programming Competition Presentation Night and Prize Giving Ceremony and I won :D. Bwee~ I got the consolation prize (Merit) ^^. Well, I’m not the only one getting the prize, Choon Hui also gets the consolation prize (Distinction) as well ^^. So yeah I’m really proud.

Then on Sunday I’ve been joining Grace’s party and it’s …

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Slow Day (As Usual)

Seh Hui Leong


Just sitting around here while I’m waiting for the videos to get uploaded so that Nine can edit them. And since it’s like 100MBs or so with an upload speed of 11KBps isn’t exactly all that funny, but at least it’s better than doing it on dialup X(. Gah I do need QuickTime Pro X(!

Feeling a bit light-headed today for some unknown reasons, I really wonder why this is happening though. It’s like I’m on alcohol or drugs or something but in actual fact I really hate them. Hmm… Probably I’m a bit sensitive or something (or am I?) 😛

Other than that guess I really need to work out my stuff later on.

Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Year 2004 — Through The Looking Glass, Part VII

Seh Hui Leong

Annual Review

It’s been a while that I haven’t did this, and there’s another 6 left pending in my queue… Honestly I don’t know, probably because the events are too recent that I would like to let them sink in for a while. But judging the fact that 7 is my lucky number, well, I might as well do with some distraction before I napped… AGAIN.

July 2004 — I’ve Been Seeing Cherry Blossom’s Blooming

Maybe I’m starting to grow up myself, and getting better in learning how to recover from situations like this.” — July 6, 2004

Main Events

  • Got a PayPal account, then buy stuff over eBay for the first time… then the rest spells “Major Cash Outflow” 😛
  • Bought from CDJapan 😄
  • Still on CODS 😛
  • Met Eric, whom I considered one …
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The Necklace

Seh Hui Leong


I can’t remember the last time I ever wore a necklace. I still remembered that when I was seven, my mom get me to wear a necklace with a pendant, engraved with a meditating Buddha. And I still remember that after quite some time of wearing it, I believe I swore that I’ll never have any sort of accessory on my body except for my trusty watch.

And now, after about two decades of not having anything dangling on any of my body parts (apart from the watch, of course), I just decided to break from that vow and wore the necklace I bought yesterday. Anyway, for the first time, I did felt some weight on my neck after a while, as much as the pendant is extremely light. Guess it does take …

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The Felix Makeover 2005: Ice Style

Seh Hui Leong


After being out there for 8 hours or so, I have returned from my shopping trip :). Anyway, just out of extreme boredom, I went out to Sunway Piramid, originally just going there to window shop for clothes, but it seems that my head kept on chanting: buy, buy, BUY~~! So I ended up getting one set of my Chinese New Year clothing :p. But that’s pretty much planned anyway :).

Anyway, after some considerations, I decided that I’ll pick my own clothes for my Ice style, while I’ll let (probably) Erika and the gang to pick the clothes for my Fire style. Fair enough, huh ;)? Anyway, for my Ice style, here’s my pick of clothes: - Forest light green casual tee, with “Regain Freedom: Break The Chain, Release Your Soul” written on it …

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