CD of The Month: BoA BEST OF SOUL

Seh Hui Leong


Just got myself BoA’s BEST OF SOUL album ^^b. Anyway, here’s a first impression review of the album:


Artist: Boa


First of all, I have to say that I haven’t listened to BoA before, as much as most of my friends recommend her music to me. I have been a little bit reserved beforehand because judging at her current number of albums (around 7, I believe, including her Korean albums).

But it’s really exciting when she decided to have her best collection out, which has released this month. Now, the reason of getting this album a little bit early is because the first pressing, i.e. Perfect Edition, contains a limited edition DVD which contains all the MVs of her songs (excluding Kono Yono Shirushi [lit. The …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: When Negativity Kicks In Again

Seh Hui Leong


I guess this is not the first time I feel all down and lonely again for no real reason. I don’t know, sometimes I just feel that… well, it’s like I’ve going back to square one. Hmm… or should I put it like, I feel exactly the same way like what I did during my depression period a year ago… or am I? I don’t know, it just seems not me to delve into such negativity for such a long period of time, and it’s like I came to a point where I just can’t seem to motivate myself to do anything productive, not to mention I’m starting to get pretty avoidant to quite a lot of serious things that has some sort of connection with “self-responsibility”.

Honestly …

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I Was So Not Expecting This

Seh Hui Leong


[:: List of Unexpected Stuff ::]

  1. 'Parapara Purchase'

    For one thing, it’s stated in Club Japan that it will be sent through air mail, but apparently it came through EMS instead. O_O Uhhh… Ah well… they haven’t charged my debit card yet so I’m not completely sure how much that would have cost me. But probably around… say, 7200 yen? crosses fingers that they’ll charge me when the currency exchange isn’t so high.

    But yay for me completing my PPP soundtrack collection ^^b.

2: Cut’d so that it won’t spoil the mood of others.

OK… I'M DARN FREAKING OUT!!!! One midterm **early in the morning** tommorrow. GAH! Judging my sleeping habits I must find SOME WAY to get myself to wake up before 8. And the worst thing? I haven't …
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And The Vicious Cycle Continues…

Seh Hui Leong


I’m freaking out with the workload that I’m having now >.<”!!!

For starters, my final year project thesis is due next week and I’m STILL tinkering with the algorithm of my program in which my thesis is based on. And there was assignments and ANOTHER midterm…


Note: I believe I have taken it sometime back, but it just seems while I’m getting better in most departments, two of them just can’t be cured :p… at least for the time being.


Personality Disorder Test - Take It!


Seh Hui Leong


龍 仕輝 様

CLUB JAPANをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 以下の商品を出荷しましたのでご確認ください。

お客様のID CODE : 29903 ご注文番号 : 10058147

○注文番号 : 10058147-001 商品名 : パラパラ・パラダイス7 数量 : 1 ○注文番号 : 10058147-002 商品名 : パラパラ・パラダイス6 数量 : 1



今後ともCLUB JAPANをよろしくお願い申し上げます。

Translation: My Parapara Paradise 6 & 7 soundtrack is on their way to Malaysia <3333! <3<3<3


The Realest Beginning

Seh Hui Leong


Well… just thought of sharing this because I really like this one :). It was originally posted in Chinese by time_traveller, and I liked it :). So I just did a translation and just would love to share with you :). The translation may be a little bit off at some point, but I tried my best.

Hope you like it! 😄

最真的开始! by time_traveller







他真地离开了我吗?彻彻底底的从我生命中离开了吗?如果是,为什么每当想起他时,我的心总有阵阵想哭的感觉 呢?



Translation: The Realest Beginning1

Translated by Seh Hui “Felix” Leong 2005

How many people one can love in his/her life?
How many times …

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Feeling Even Better

Seh Hui Leong


What a great feeling :). It’s like I’m so glad that my health is improving by the day, and apparently my mood gets cheery day by day with my health conditions. I wonder why ^^. It just seems that during the times when I’m feeling sickly, I was so bogged down by the viruses that I have no room to think about all those depressing stuff? Or probably I’m just only stressed out that causes the sickness? Hmm…

And apparent, all of a sudden everything seems to go my way. It’s like, everything I do just seem to go so smoothly that I never expect it. Maybe it’s just my lucky day? 😊

Yeah, the combinatronic midterm is over, so yay for that :D. And I think I fare better than my …

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Feeling Better

Seh Hui Leong


After tons of coke, water and rest, finally I feel much more healthier now. The only thing is that I’m still having the sore throat, so probably I need more water to get that fixed.

Tommorrow’s my combinatronics mid-term. Still struggling with it.

p/s: Speaking of eBay, somehow I did notice there’s a CD series from Spain named “I Love Disco Diamonds”. From what I have search through online, it seems to contain a lot of the lesser know italo-disco and Eurobeat tracks. Hmm… I wonder how good they are.

Anyway, here’s their site. Basically it’s only an online shop, but anyway:

From Ahmed:

you are futomaki
take the WHAT KIND OF SUSHI ARE YOU test here
test by Bowie-Spawan

Aww… Cute sushi :p.

病気 (Sickness): Day 3

Seh Hui Leong


I hate feeling like… well… 50% sick ;;. So my day is really sluggish by any chance… bleh ;;.

Don’t feel like typing a lot today. Catch you guys once I can get that title out from my LJ.

Not Feeling Good

Seh Hui Leong


One midterm down, two more to go…

Feeling pretty sickly today ;_;. Well… I haven’t fallen sick yet, but from my current physical condition, if I don’t rest and drink lots of water, I bound to be sick pretty soon.

Bleh… hope the weather gets better… or maybe I should bring a water bottle out next time instead. The blazing heat is no where from making me any healthier.