Flipping Through My Other Music Collections

Seh Hui Leong


Ever since pawsrpg mentioned about Ys, I have been ploughing my game music MIDI collection back up again. It’s like, it’s been about years that I haven’t listen them through~ and somehow I just feel so like listening to Sound Team JDK again. 😊

And just listening to them makes me feel so touched while all the memories and emotions came back to me :’-). It just seems that I’m able to relate back to the songs and characters that I love so much. Still remember songs like Tina, Forever Rachael (FF6), Feena, To Make The End of Battle (Ys), Tracks of The White Witch (Eiyuu Densetsu 3: Shirokimajo), Red Crimson Drop (Eiyuu Densetsu 4)… There’s just too much to list…

Speaking of which, I have just grabbed a sample of To …

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There’ll Be A Day When Sickness Will Recover

Seh Hui Leong


My throat’s feeling much better now, and I’m starting to get used to the cough syrup. It still cause slight drowsiness, but at least it didn’t induce a headache now.

Yesterday I have been spending time ranting about my sickness to some of my IM friends ^^”. Well… I suppose I’m just seeking attention ^^”. But when I said something like “First emotional sickness, now physical sickness, what’s next” to Steven, his reply was just a simple word: “recover”.

… Guess I just need a little time to heal completely: emotionally and physically, till then, all I need is some good medicine, some rest and caring people :). Thanks for the well wishes! 😊

Ouch! >.<”

Seh Hui Leong


Gets cough syrup, makes my throat feels better, but gave me a headache later on.

ARGH! I need to get well… SOON!

Omake: Avatar Exposed

Seh Hui Leong


After taking a lot of really ugly pictures, this one seems to scare me :p.

'The Real Avatar'

(OK, the hair is combed to a different direction, but who cares anyway :p)

OK, nothing to update today. Got EXTREMELY BUSY with my thesis work. Hopefully everything can be done by tommorrow.

Nothing Much, BUT~~

Seh Hui Leong


Happy birthday, P-Chan~~~!!! 😄

Somehow I dyed my hair back to a darker brown. I did tried to take pictures but due to my recent sickness and stuff, I didn’t look great in them ^^”. I’ll take some when I feel much more healthier.

Will be spending days at home working on my thesis and do some finalizing programming to my system. Wish me luck!

This Is The Main Reason I Got Norma Sheffield’s Album

Seh Hui Leong



You and I, thinking of all the times we spent together
Everyday seems to me,
Like a waking dream, a picture of perfection
But gradually, as time goes by, seems your love was lost its lustre
With your eyes full of doubt, your suspicions aroused, your voice is full of tension

Recently you’ve been pouting, accusing me of unkindness
Tell me, how could you believe
I would ever hurt you so please listen to what I say

* I will protect you, don’t you forget it, your love means the world to me boy
You are my angel, nothing will changed that, your love is what keeps me strong boy
Love is forever, time is a healer, let’s welcome the joy to come boy
Deeper & deeper, sweeter & sweeter, together …

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Final Year Project Vows

Seh Hui Leong


Hopefully this is the LAST time I ever need to go to the Internet and find algorithms that will work for my system. Once I got that part down, I’ll be extremely happy (since the additional coding work would be purely enhancements 😉 ).

I’m thinking of extending my final year project as a hobbyist/pet project once I graduated. Thinking of creating a Parapara game using just a webcam, something like Eyetoy. 😊

Getting Well *ACK! COUGH!*

Seh Hui Leong


My immune systems are still battling hard with those pesky gremlins in me. Currently I still feel an infection in my throat, most probably either due to allergens (pesticides… ugh) or too much of heaty stuff (too much chocolate, for starters). It’s getting better now, expect for the phlegm that gets into my throat occasionally.

In other news… well~ I’m currently employed ^^. Well, sort of :p. Anyway, I just got a phone call from a company which I really wanted to work with and they offered me for a job ^^b. Squee~~ So provided that I MAKE SURE (square that) that I don’t flunk this semester and I’ll be off working as soon as I finished my finals ^^. So now I just need to get a few papers signed and I …

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Seh Hui Leong


I hate feeling sick :(.

I got the flu yesterday. Now perhaps it wasn’t a big deal, but the reason I hate it is because it’s much more of an annual serious sickness, and the agony I felt isn’t funny: I feel like my body, especially the joints feels so painful as if I have been into a torture chamber. And to make matters worse, all sorts of scary images and the worst things that I don’t want to see seems to flash into my brain non-stop.

And all this lasts for about 10 hours and the whole day I feel so weak that I can’t even budge to move at all. Thank god I’m feeling slightly better now, but I’m still feeling weak. Hopefully I’ll recover in …

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I Sensed Something

Seh Hui Leong


Nothing much apart from doing assignments back home, and I feel much more relieved after the drifting thought entry. 😊

Somewhat it seems that I sensed that some change is going to happen to me pretty soon. I wonder what will that be…

And as a random note, I think I’m starting to be able to identify Domino’s voice. Hmmmmmmmmm~~~~