A Recap With Light Heartedness

Seh Hui Leong


Let’s see… I have been spending my time back at home yesterday so actually nothing special happened. But just to recap some of the non-serious (or probably trivial) stuff:

Got my hair dyed again, this time I decided to switch to Revlon’s Colour Silk for a change, and guess what colour I chose? 😊 Strawberry blone! OK, it’s kinda impossible for my dark asian hair (OK, probably I should have said black instead XD), but it still manage to give a really light reddish brown tone to my hair, which is really cool <333 (besides, I personally don’t think that blone really suits my Asian look 😉 ). The only thing is that the reddish hue only shows under bright lighting conditions and it’ll still look like brownish Asian hair indoors But oooh …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Continuation of The Question

Seh Hui Leong


Originally I typed this as a comment to Ahmed, but apparently it has expanded to a point that I believe it serves as a entry on its own. One very interesting point that Ahmed pointed out is the natural inclination to search for validation.

Well, before I try to speak my thoughts out, I believe that I should tell the story behind this entry. Honestly speaking I’m not feeling too well emotionally today as the recent events (mainly due to work, I guess) as I personally find myself not doing much progress that I desired myself to achieve. In fact this slow pace (or probably seeing myself going backwards) has somehow made me really worried about my own future, and I’m starting to cast a lot of doubt on myself in terms of …

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Question Of The Day: Being Critical

Seh Hui Leong


I think I’m running out of brain juice to elaborate my thoughts to a complete drifting thought post, so I came up with a new title instead. Well… this is mainly due to the fact that I believe that I have a lot of ideas and thoughts that I want to further develop and yet I forget after letting it slip through after a certain period of time.

So the question for today is: How do we define as being overly critical to oneself? More often than not, some of us would probably experience times when we feel inferior at some point of life that we react (or respond, depending on one’s perception) in some way or the other. And one of these reaction/responses is to be critical to oneself. And as …

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Today’s Drifting Thoughts: When Matters Tend To Screw Your Mind Up

Seh Hui Leong


Somehow all this while as much as I’m living all fine and dandy on the outset, there’s still a lot of small emotional ripples that surfaced like raindrops falling on a silent pond. The issues of love and insecurities are still one of the greatest concerns at this point of life as I find myself casting self-doubt: fearing that things will turn out to be worse than it should be.

My horoscope of today did trigger my usual habit of pondering:

It’s not until you get the relationship issues out in the open that you have any hope of defining them, which is an essential first step to clearing them up. Dwelling on these may not be fun, but what you learn more than justifies the effort”

Just after reading this, a …

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Progress In The Dark

Seh Hui Leong


Somehow I’m still feeling a bit lost while doing my research for my assigned project on the job. However today I’m starting to get some “Ah-ha!” moments which does show signs that I’m getting closer to understanding it.

Hopefully that only means a few more pieces left to be fixed…

From My Mailbox: Irritating Personality Disorder

Seh Hui Leong


This came in pretty much in time as I kept on nodding my head reading this article. It’s basically from Handwriting University.com’s newsletter and it usually provides insights in analysing changing one’s personality and life for the better through handwriting analysis.

I’m not going to talk about handwriting analysis here, but let me just share with you an excerpt of the newsletter:

Do you have “Irritating Personality Disorder?

Are you too heavy to handle?

Written by Bart Baggett (Excerpt from Handwriting University International Newsletter)

Have you ever had anyone just walk right out of your life with no explanation at all?

If so, does it completely mystify you to this day? Do your friends kindly describe you as “intense” or “high maintenance?” Are you often accused of “trying too hard …

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Today’s (Short) Drifting Thought: Regarding Simplicity

Seh Hui Leong


It just came to me that sometimes we tend to put tons of unnecessary layers of complexity on top of what seems to be extremely simple and pure. Once that happens, we started to wonder whether it’s the very same thing anymore.

Sometimes humans are just weird in some ways, probably due to the fact that we tend to take things for granted. And at the fact that we do have the tendency to think that our ego is our identity but in actual fact, our ego is probably the very thing that hides our true identity.

It’s only until something happens and all these false layers falls apart that we realise the most important and beautiful core of it.

OK, back to work while I swallow envy of those who participated in …

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Seh Hui Leong


Nothing much happened during the weekends except the fact that I have been spending time relaxing at home. OK, probably not as I did mentioned that I went to Ipoh yesterday :). But then again I only went there for the PPP 1st Mix Plus machine and I do need my workout badly :p. To my surprise is that the price has dropped back to 50 cents for 3 songs, so that’s definitely a great deal as I have been spending hours there playing. Not to mention the attention I get (cough WHORE! XD). As much as I’m kinda disappointed that no paralist were there, but at least I get to talk with people and get to know some new friends, and that’s pretty fun actually :).

But later on, my emotions goes for …

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Home As Usual

Seh Hui Leong


Yes I’m safely at home now, enjoying the warmth and relaxation back at home :). Probably I’m lucky enough to have several homes, but the one that I have live in for almost two decades is always the most special and important to me. Guess I’m just lucky enough to have my parents.

I think I’ll be going out today, it’s been a while since I last went to Ipoh. Let’s see whether there’s any one paraing there, kinda miss the physical exercise that I have been missing for the past few weeks.

When Things Are Getting Smoother

Seh Hui Leong


It does seems that today that I just have that feeling of starting to get the hang of the job. It’s quite interesting to see that all the hard work is starting to see some sort of progress, no matter how small that is.

And as things turns out, I came to an affirmation that I do need 6 to 8 hours of sleep in order to have a fresh day. As much that means that I would have to sacrifice my usual lifestyle and have to make sure that I need to sleep as early as 11 (although this shouldn’t be counted as “early” by some standards). And this sacrifice is definitely worth it as I do find the thrill and motivation when I’m much more awake and alert. But somehow …

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