Major Shifts – The Adventures Continues

'Facing Infinity, Gazing' by Seh Hui

Seh Hui Leong


A lot has happened in my two months of blogging absence: I just changed my job, gave a public presentation (and yes, it’s still sends shivers and trembles down my spine) and travelled to Australia.

What I have achieved is the past two months still feels surreal after everything has transcended. Not all of them ended well, well… the public presentation in particular, still I’m feeling the exhilaration that passed through every fibre in my body with these new experiences I’ve acquired.

To others, these seemed to be insignificant baby steps – yet through these actions and experience I gained a strong sense of empowerment that I’m taking control over my life.

As for what I’m currently doing, I’m now pushing my limits actively – one tiny bit at a time. I had just migrated all my sites over to my new server, which is also acts as an excuse of not blogging for the past two months due to the fear of pain I have to go through in the whole process. As it turns out, the task turns out to be much simpler than I thought.

And I’ll be hosting Seth Godin’s Kuala Lumpur Meetup tomorrow at Starbucks, The Gardens: something that I have never done in the past due to my fears as an introvert – not sure of whether I could pull it off, what people would think about the event, whether will I project the correct image to other participants etc.

There’s really a lot of small projects and goals that I have set my mind of achieving and am really looking forward to share my experiences and lessons as I go through them.

Till then, I’m signing off.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.