Twenty Six and a Day
My birthday just passed over this timezone. So essentially I’m 26 and a day.
Anyway, it’s just like any other day: no lavish parties or birthday cakes: just me going through my daily life, trying to enjoy the present as it is. I’m very blessed with a lot of friends and family who sent me birthday messages, as much I sort of perceived myself to be alone most of the time, these kinds of little things reminded me that there’s a lot of people who cared for me in some way or the other. With that I’m very grateful.
I actually got myself my own birthday present a few days back: basically a card purse and wallet (to the uninitiated, I keep my cards and cash separate, sort of a safety measure of sorts with added benefits from such separation). I really liked the texture of the leather and isn’t too glossy or rough: instead it’s soft to touch and have a silky quality to it, which I really liked the touch of it.
With that, I really hope for another great year ahead — constantly aware of my own development needs and act upon them.