Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Dim Light from the Heart

'Lotus' by Seh Hui

Seh Hui Leong



Recently have been spending some time doing some soul-searching, drafting notes along the way in attempts to form a vision of what I would like to be. Sort of like a mission statement of sorts.

At times like this, it seemed to shed light to me on a reality that I have been avoiding either consciously or unconsciously: the fact that in order to live your own dreams, you have to sacrifices dreams as well. The fact that you can have as many dreams that one can possibly imagine of with out own unlimited creative capacity, but the fact remains that no dreams will be able manifest itself should you find yourself having dreams that are conflicting with each other and without clear priorities. Then you would find out that the exact goal of achieving dreams is all about putting these dreams in order so that you can align your efforts effectively in manifesting these dreams into physical reality.

With intention in mind, the inevitable has to be done: you have to eliminate dreams which either conflicting with your main principles and goals or doesn’t prove itself to provide clear value in achieving them.

Failing to do so, one’s merely a dreamer. To a certain extent, that what I had made myself to be. Unknowingly, I probably had cast myself a foggy vision of my own future - confusing myself in the process.

Currently I’m setting myself up with a simple mantra that I personally find it simple to live up to: start from the smallest/simplest thing everyday. By that, I commit myself to keep an eye on opportunities in initiating change, developing myself, learn something new and overcoming mental barriers. At the same time, I must also commit myself to be more discriminating and eliminate habits, thoughts and actions that does not bring any positive contribution to my own goals.

That’s the first simple thing that I have started since the day I form the thoughts written this post.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
