Today’s Drifting Thougts: GUILTY

Seh Hui Leong


Being typically me, I always go get Ayu’s album as soon as it hits the shelf. Partly because I’m a big fan of hers, but also the fact that the first thing I always look up was the lyrics booklet: to those who didn’t know, the main reason I look up to her is because of her lyrics which are heartfelt and truthful. And in many ways, I can always find a song of hers which reflect the situations and feeling that I’m in.

Anyway, I think I drifted :p. The main thing I wanted to say is that I GOT GUILTY! 😄 Just ripped it and listened to it actually. First impression wise, it’s a good album which I absorb instantly (which has always been the case except MY STORY which I initially hated it and eventually I start to understand and loved it since). But I do have to say emotionally I can’t find a song which instantly “click” with me as compared to her previous releases. I’m not really sure why… I do have to say that songs like “(don’t) Leave me alone” would have been THE SONG that I’d pick in the middle of last year, but sort of like got over it. Closest song that resembles how I’m feeling now would probably be “decision” but it doesn’t seem to be the song that I felt strongest about.

I’m not really sure… probably I’m starting to grow out from her after all the inspiration, strength and courage that her songs have affected me throughout the years and I eventually starting to walk my own path? Or probably I’m just forcing the idea that a connection exists while up until now there isn’t?

But either way I do need to listen for a couple more times for me to draw any conclusion about the album.

In a more personal note, just went out to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks (finally - knowing how I tend to delay watching movies in order to get the cheapest tickets possible :p). It’s been pretty nostalgic in the sense that I grew up watching the cartoon series (well, at my childhood days, I literally watch all cartoons that was shown on TV ). Then I (sort of) tested the wifi capabilities of my new lappy at O Cha Cha at the Gardens, which is bistro which features green tea instead of coffee. I really liked their ice blended a lot (called Freezies) - especially the mint one. Would definitely go again when I feel like pampering myself :). (I prefer that to coffee anytime, as coffee tends to make me hyperactive ^^|| - well, pretty much the same way as it’s shown in Alvin and The Chipmunks movie :p).

Anyway, there’s a couple of stuff I’d like to write up these days, mostly the feelings I’m having these days. But can’t seem to string anything up actually… 😞 either because it had been mentioned in my LJ during another similar events or that there’s new understanding that I can’t seem to put them in words yet. But I’m sure when the time comes, I’d find a way of resolving them or that I’m able to synthesize my feelings and come up with new understanding towards the new developments in life. Either way would have been great :).

Till then, I just have to continue my journey ahead.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
