Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Square One

Seh Hui Leong


(11:56:38) Felix Leong: been at the stage which i found a major stumbling block in life
(11:56:56) Felix Leong: a roof that i can’t seem to penetrate and i’m already feeling demotivated to move on
(11:57:32) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: why not just go around it on the other way?
(11:57:53) Felix Leong: reducing the blog updates does help to sort out things a little, but a resolution can’t seem to be found
(11:58:01) Felix Leong: the other way?
(11:58:39) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: like using other method to get thru it
(11:59:47) Felix Leong: well… at the moment i still find finding the other method is very tough
(12:00:01) Felix Leong: since i didn’t have the crystalization of the issue that i’m facing
(12:00:13) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c
(12:01:47) Felix Leong: from the outset, it’s just me feeling a bit dissatisfied and stressed out at work
(12:02:32) Felix Leong: but i was looking the connections of this emotion from many different angles which makes me a bit… unsure
(12:02:43) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: unsure about?
(12:03:07) Felix Leong: whether taking a chance to change is worth the sacrifice of what i have now
(12:04:11) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c…that is a lot to weight on
(12:05:28) Felix Leong: probably the thought that i won’t (as well not wanting to) be there forever gave me that constant feeling of running away
(12:06:00) Felix Leong: feeling as if i’m unable to take on further stress and disappointments
(12:06:49) Felix Leong: the times when i feel of wanting to give up badly but constantly holding myself back knowing that it’s a extremely emotional aspect that is crying
(12:07:37) Felix Leong: a feeling that became stronger because i’m far more aware with my emotions now
(12:08:39) Felix Leong: … that’s my price of introspection
(12:08:53) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i see
(12:09:24) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: hv u ever been seperate ur emotional part while thinking of that?
(12:10:26) Felix Leong: as in, putting emotions aside and evaluate the situation logically?
(12:11:35) Felix Leong: hmm… in a way, i do
(12:11:43) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: yup
(12:12:22) Felix Leong: but the issue have deep roots in my emotional programming that i always ended up putting myself under the microscope
(12:12:57) Felix Leong: triggers of fear due to self-consciousness towards other people’s perception to me
(12:13:15) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i see
(12:13:42) Felix Leong: and the unsureness of my own abilities
(12:14:25) Felix Leong: as in the actual level of competence that is required and the current level of competence that i perceive to have now
(12:14:52) Felix Leong: and the unsureness of that limit of my competency was actually the roof or that there’s more room above it but i’m unable to break that barrier
(12:15:20) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: u dare to take a risk and test it?
(12:16:06) Felix Leong: that comes back what i had said just now “i’m in the brink of giving up; but continued to hold on”
(12:16:30) Felix Leong: i think that exactly the same feeling a three years ago when i first started my LJ
(12:16:33) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: aww ok ok
(12:16:35) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: lol!
(12:17:13) Felix Leong: not sure how many times i can let myself feeling like breaking down like that
(12:17:52) Felix Leong: and there’s no pillar of strength strong enough from the outside already
(12:18:02) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: but there is bound u gonna go back into this loop again until u found something out that release u fromt his circle
(12:18:14) Felix Leong: which now constantly tests my inner strength
(12:18:23) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c i c
(12:18:56) Felix Leong: in a way, the reason i manage to pull myself through my emotional turmoil that time is that i constantly find a constant pillar of support somewhere
(12:19:15) Felix Leong: the difference between then and now is that i have lost that
(12:19:34) Felix Leong: the pillar i was holding on last year had already been shattered
(12:19:49) Felix Leong: which turns out to be a one sided illusion that i have built upon someone else
(12:19:50) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: may i know what was that?
(12:20:11) Felix Leong: the admiration towards my colleague
(12:20:18) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c
(12:21:08) Felix Leong: thinking back, i was supported by such admiration at one point of time and the other
(12:21:44) Felix Leong: friends are as good as a cushion, but never a trampoline
(12:21:53) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: that is a bit tough since admiration is not a thing that u want then it will be there
(12:21:58) Felix Leong: which can bring myself to greater heights
(12:22:02) Felix Leong: indeed
(12:22:54) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: gosh
(12:22:56) Felix Leong: more like i haven’t had a friend who really brought me to greater heights
(12:23:15) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: other than him
(12:23:24) Felix Leong: not really
(12:23:59) Felix Leong: it’s because of that pillar of support that i have built within me (i.e. the admiration and hence the illusion) gave myself the inner strength
(12:24:25) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c
(12:24:31) Felix Leong: which in a way, i have been supporting myself
(12:25:17) Felix Leong: because of the very carrot that i have purposely dangled in front of me make me able to go further
(12:25:44) Felix Leong: although in a more unconscious manner
(12:25:46) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: now u are not falling for that again right?
(12:26:38) Felix Leong: more like now i have been able to look at this self-deception, i’m in a complete loss
(12:26:53) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c
(12:28:55) Felix Leong: even if i wanted to continue to use this psychological effect as a tool (with or without detachment), i can’t find something strong enough to become the “carrot”
(12:29:31) Felix Leong: my current obsession of personal finances may be an attribution of such habit (dangling the carrot, as in)
(12:29:45) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i see
(12:29:59) Felix Leong: but it’s more likely that i’m already passed that stage and i have to move on to an unknown territory
(12:30:30) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: well it good to take risk n see how far u would go
(12:30:51) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: if u fall down again, stand back up fron square one
(12:31:23) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: u dun get anything if u dun risk it
(12:32:01) Felix Leong: the thing is
(12:32:07) Felix Leong: i have always been at square one
(12:32:44) Felix Leong: even if i thought myself to be at square 2 or square 60, from one point of view, i have always been there
(12:32:48) Felix Leong: square one
(12:32:56) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i c
(12:33:28) Felix Leong: altho by verbal labelling, i’m now refering to a more spiritual (soul) plane
(12:33:55) ♪.59: Love Labour’s Lost: i guess u hv been researching to break the loop for long time eh?
(12:34:04) Felix Leong: mhmm
(12:34:33) Felix Leong: ever since the time when i made the vow: 看破一切1

  1. 看破一切 literally means “seeing everything through”, which is pretty much in the context of Buddhism in which it means penetrating through the depths and gain insight.  

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
