
Seh Hui Leong


Just watch Ratatouille today, and do have to remind my friend to ask me four days1 earlier before the movie because I don’t want to face the queue of doom as far as I can help it.

First of all, I have to say how Pixar structured Ratatouille’s storyline is nothing new. Overall, it still follows the same formula that most animated features tends to use. But Pixar does made quite a few gambles which makes the movie extremely interesting: Imagine almost all cast having a French accent (personally it took me a while to adjust myself to it, and I think I missed out quite a couple of good jokes because of that) and having some darker elements in society being referenced in several parts in the movie (domestic violence plus guns, bribery, an affair, cooks actually being vices, lawyers, pepper spray…), that’s something that I was caught completely off-guard and never expected it to be referenced in a Disney/Pixar movie, which is a extremely (evilly) pleasant surprise to me :p. And the irony that the graphics were all bright and cheery and these references were being made in a casual manner which makes it even more evilllll snickers :p.

Another thing that I find extremely amusing about the movie is Gusteau, which although I read him being actually a sprite, he referenced himself as a figment of Remy’s imagination, well, after Remy labelled him as that. However, it’s pretty interesting to view Gusteau from different angles as it could possibly that he’s can be either Remy’s imagination or an actual sprite, depending on how you look at it.

But there were never a dull moment in Ratatouille and I greatly recommend to watch it :D. And the food looks good too! 😊

  1. Reason of it being four days before because you are only able to book cinema tickets online three days in advance. At least that’s the case for Malaysian cinemas. 

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
