Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Physical Bondage

Seh Hui Leong


Currently the thing that I probably can’t find that resolve alone is the “physical closeness” (or “physical contact”): part of the desire that has been repressed for a long time. Apparently this does not exclude sex.

Thinking about it, it doesn’t have to be all that serious to achieve, really: physical contact as a friendly gesture doesn’t really require a lot of planning and thought, it’s more of a spontaneous act than anything. Probably that all I really need, to be honest.

The desire for sex is probably rooted more deeper… but it may as well be a by-product of something else. Probably because the easiest way to get the most physical contact is through this channel, as well as complete exploration and penetration of all dimensions of the body? It’s not really that improbable, I can start from this hypothesis.

What’s really the fear and anxiety that I had regarding physical contact? Probably that’s what I needed to ponder about for a while.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
