Degree of Understanding

Seh Hui Leong


Things are calm now, just thinking how much did I “understand” on a lot of stuff. Not sure whether I really understood “love” in its essence, especially.

But I do understand that I’m facing difficulty at work and my own future plans. Still having some clashing values and the environment seemed to be a bit pessimistic at the moment. If handled badly, that would spell stress to myself and others. Somehow I’m still wondering what really means by “working happily”… is it something that was mostly provided externally or something that comes from within? It seems to me that any happiness that was provided by external factor will not last, but that’s my hypothesis at the moment.

Anyway, does seemed that I find myself watching more shoujo love comedy, anime, that is. Currently watching Perfect Girl Evolution (やまとなでしこ七変化), and I can’t stop finding myself muttering “Goth, Goth, Loli, Loli” at some point or the other just to amuse myself XD.

Other than that, everything else seems to be pretty much routine. Don’t care to repeat myself again and again, to be honest. (heartaches, heartaches!)

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
