Question of the Day: Meaning

Seh Hui Leong


How important is “meaning” in our own daily life? That’s what I’m thinking now as I was feeling sort of demotivated in whatever I’m doing now. Or rather should I ask, do everything that I do really need to have “meaning” behind it? (well… either way would do)

Ever experience times when you are extremely motivated of something because of a certain reason, and only to realise that either that particular something wasn’t as important as you think, or probably worse, that you are just deluded? And by further deduction that you ended up with a conclusion that everything (or at least things that, by your own perception, mattered the most) that you thought was important wasn’t actually the case? Well… in a way, that’s how I feel in general at the moment.

To be honest I really don’t like that feeling… it feels as if I’m merely surviving in my own current situation, everything is well but seemingly mediocre; but yet not having the motivation or courage to improve the situation (probably coupled with the fear that the situation declines). It wouldn’t be an overstatement that I felt like a walking corpse… but maybe I might as well be over-exaggerating (Umm… there’s a contradiction in this sentence). But knowing that having the dire need of deeper inquiry about this issue, I still have to work hard and take good care of myself.

But from another perspective… am I too persistent/stubborn and inflexible in understanding the “meaning” of life? Well… hence the question of the day.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
