Credit Card Fraud

Seh Hui Leong


For four years of online shopping, this is the first time that I was informed of a credit card fraud O_O||.

I’m lucky in the sense that the customer service of the bank called up as soon as they notice any online transactions being made on my cards. And just now when I received the call I was like… stunned O_O|||. Considering the fact that the card in question is the one that I’m currently using for most of my online shopping and I didn’t key these sensitive data in these days (meaning: I only shopped at eBay and used PayPal in recent shopping spree a few months ago), I wonder how and where the culprits got it…?

Funny thing is that I was just considering whether I should cancel my debit card, guess probably I should stick with it and be extra careful next time. At the mean time… I think there’s a good reason to become more paranoid? ^-^||| (definitely need to check my statements at the end of the month)

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
