Out of Place

Seh Hui Leong


It’s been quite some time that I felt very out of place,… at least that’s what I felt deep down. Not really sure whether is it the changes causes the turmoil, or that I’m being more sensitive and attuned to myself, or that I’m just imagining things.

Especially when it comes to my own health and body… it just felt… strange, in many way. There were times when I felt that the body wasn’t mine, or that I felt some weird and not-so-positive sensations at some part of the body (e.g. at one time I felt some sort of weight in my stomach).

At this point it’s like I’m still experimenting and adjusting my own lifestyle and thoughts. There’s still a lot of loose ends and missing pieces that I can’t seem to figure out at this point. Guess it does take some time to really understand myself in depth ^-^||.

At the moment, I still feel like I’m divided and split… in which different aspects, known or unknown, seemed to bubble up. And for most part of my time I have been working my thoughts like a scrambled jigsaw puzzle; or probably more appropriately spring cleaning and organizing whatever’s on my head.

It would be some time seeing dust flying around in my head, I guess. ^-^||

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
