Audit Over

Seh Hui Leong


Let’s see… It has been weeks I last went to the gym due to many reasons, guess I broke the “fast” yesterday 😛

And after a full year, finally our department don’t have to work that hard to get that ISO9001:2000 certification as we have been through the last certification audit. A successful achievement, I would say :).

And today we just went to Eden to have Vivian’s farewell party, which means that I have been seeing four people leaving from our office ever since I came in. It’s a very hard feeling to describe, it’s like… you know that a departure is inevitable, and yet I still have that mental vision that everyone will always be around. But that feeling aside, the food was really tasty over there :D. Love how tender my fish and chips ere :D.

But somehow I do feel as if my stamina is draining out by the day… and somehow I still can’t find the real reason why that happened. But I remembered when I was in Genting, I can pretty much hold on throughout the day without a nap or something. I wonder whether is it that I spent most of my time there moving around, being on high tension, I slept with my own natural sleeping cycle, the climate or something else. That’s something that I can’t figure out at the moment.

At the moment… well, somehow I always had the impression that people did know a bit or two about the things that I didn’t say but expressed in an indirect manner. And these few days I did caught some indirect jokes and references from my colleagues that confirm that they did notice a lot of things… probably more than what I am aware of myself. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this, to be honest… probably because I’m still wondering how much did they knew ^^||. But in a way… I did feel relieved and anxious at the same time, as I don’t really know what’s going to happen next. But I am very grateful with all the support and lessons I have get from them, either directly, indirectly or even unknowingly. 😊

Think that’s all for the moment.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
