Today’s Drifting Thoughts: The Rocky Path

Seh Hui Leong


Somehow at the moment my expenses has pretty much crept up to a point it’s eroding my savings. Well, not by a serious margin, but these few months I have been spending quite a lot of stuff. Currently books, CDs and some new comfort necessities (food and clothes).

But apparently I didn’t expect that I have to buy some new working clothes. But having an ironing accident with one of my shirts and I had only a week supply of shirts (that doesn’t require a lot of ironing, that is), I bought two extras to replace it. And now my base of my leather shoes is showing signs of falling off (and it wasn’t the first time already), I need to get another pair pretty soon. 😞

To be honest, I’m a bit… unsure, or more like indecisive about what I’m going to achieve in the future. I mean, I didn’t feel bad or anything, but somehow, at my current financial state, I’m really don’t know how to really fit some of my puzzle pieces into the picture. I mean, typically I would really like to travel overseas for a extended period of time, buy a house (more like an apartment, that’d be enough for me 😊 ) and pursuing my masters, but framing these things into my future plans is sort of a challenge to me. At some point I did wondered how much I can achieve at the moment.

Or probably that signifies that I didn’t have a clear picture of what I really need or want ^^||. Is it the “take things as it comes” attitude or is it just plain ignorance on my part? Probably it might be a combination of both. After all, I don’t really like the idea of just mindlessly pursuing things without any purpose or meaning. (Erm… is this an excuse for me not taking action?)

Ah well…

Anyway, I’m planning to trying the shark waters that we call the stock market. Probably I will be able to learn something from there, and probably learning from mistakes as well. Planning to go a property fair on the weekends and have some exposure of real estate as well. Not sure whether is it going to really help, but no harm taking some baby steps, I guess :).

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
