Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Deep Waters

Seh Hui Leong


Been at home during the weekends, but all I have felt is nothing but restlessness. Or more precisely put is that it’s the “drifting thoughts weekend”… well, in a way.

At this time, it’s really hard for me to really scope in my thoughts… it’s really like… several issues were so interrelated with each other and yet so distinct. So much adrift that I felt completely lost… all alone blanketed by my own fears. As if I’m going further back in time… a sense of helplessness in such a big, unknown world… it’s like… becoming back into an child, needing the protection from the mother.

Is it that I was grown up too soon? Somehow it felt as if I can’t cope with everything in this world… unprepared, in a sense. Or is it that I have been avoiding and being protected from a lot of dangers in the past that I’m feeling all overwhelmed…?

Thinking more deeper about it (at least in general terms), this pretty much to a full circle… what is that I’m really fearing of… and what really means by “protection”?

At the moment, it’s still something that I can’t comprehend…

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
