Relax @ Work
No work today, literally :). As the development server is currently undergoing a upgrade, so it’s just the perfect time for us to unwind ourselves in the office.
I sort of tinker with my thumb drive to make it a “mobile workspace”, and sort of picked up PHP along the way. It’s pretty fun at the moment, I would probably need to figure out what else I would love to have in my thumb drive.
I would really like to figure out how to get my portable hard drive to boot linux, but I suppose that can wait, at least soonest being tomorrow.
Other than that, there’s a lot more room for improvements and ideas to manifest, I can’t seem to figure out how these little fragments can fit in together seamlessly. Currently still bumping around, I guess. But it’s OK, I’m able to figure that out some day. All it needs is just some experimentation :).