Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Doodling Doodling

Seh Hui Leong


I’m close to post all my artworks already ^^||… probably the next possible thing that I might post is photographs that I took and liked as well as some poems that I have written, I suppose ^^||.

Looking at the amount of my artwork over here in DA, it really look like… only 10% of the artwork that I really done? Well… most of them are pretty much just sketches, to be honest. But in the past, I always keep every single scrap of paper with my drawing on it: whether I liked it or not.

I don’t know whether I’m keep track of my progress or I’m just hoarding.

So I have quite a thick stack of paper with pencil marks scrawled all over it (occasionally some inked and coloured, which are pretty much the ones I liked and I have reserved them and will be on DA sooner or later). And from that stack, you can see all kinds of different paper: most of them are recycled paper (i.e. one printed side while the other is blank, or Xerox waste, if you want to put it that way), some good quality leftover paper with letter heads on it, some of them are on blank photocopier paper, some on grid/lined paper (YUCKS!)… Really, it’s a paper cocktail, I would reckon ;).

But one of the greatest regrets is that I lose quite an amount of good artwork, not much because of gift arts, but more because of these arts have become decorations of my book cover and I tend to tear them off carelessly sometimes :(. Some of them were CG works which accidentally got wiped off after a format… it’s really a pain to see them disappear. Sad even.

So during those time after I have a computer and a scanner, I really scanned through my better artworks and make sure that a backup has been made for them. But it seemed that after that… I didn’t drew as much as I would really liked ^^||. Most of my drawing now is pretty much limited to random doodling on paper right now.

One of my favourite things to doodle is definitely human eyes. I’m not sure what’s the reason for it, but somehow I really agree that the eyes were the window to the soul. And I always got raptured (in some sense) when I draw really good eyes and they always seems to shine or draw you into a different world.

But recently I have been bitten by the art bug :), and I find myself fiddling with my graphics tablet a little more. Although it’s still limited to random doodles ^^||… and you can be sure what I’m usually doodling :p.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
