Love & Pain

Seh Hui Leong


GAH! I can’t believe that let my CD-ROM scratch yet ANOTHER of my favourite CDs X_X.

Anyway, I just bought MISIA’s Love & Ballads -The Best Ballade Collection- and Kitaro’s Kojiki: Two of them being in my most-wanted lists. I still remembered how much I was moved by Kojiki when I first heard it on cassette tape, and MISIA has always been in my list but just never really got the chance and money to really explore her music.

And the worst thing (again) is that the same thing that happened to my (miss)understood CD happens to my MISIA CD, again! It’s like, the CD just suddenly pops up from the drive, hedging on top of the tray and clacks it got stuck in between the roof and the tray, and in the process, causing a scratch ON TOP of the CD X_X (for those who are not aware, scratching the reflective material on top of the CD is much, much deadlier than having scratches at the bottom)

Guess that’s going to be one of the CDs that I need to keep a mental note of: probably I would need to get another copy in the future, because the CD is awesome! 😄

Currently still enjoying them… but still having the heartache of that nasty scratch ;___;.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
