Brother And Sister
I never knew that my brother and sister has started their blogs :D. How did I discovered them? Both on Friendster, but in different ways.
I noticed my brother’s blog first, but it wasn’t that hard because he started his blog over Friendster so I definitely get a email notification about it. As for my sister, it’s until I read her profile with great attention that I noticed the link of her MSN Space.
As I flip through their posts, I just can’t stop laughing from time to time. It’s kinda heart-warming, in a way, since in every word they wrote, I just feel like I’m listening to them ramble just about anything. Somehow it did remind me that as much we are different in many ways, we also share a lot of common interests.
Somehow, the main difference between our blogs is that their blogs are much more light-hearted and mine does look DEAD serious XDDDD. And with my drifting thoughts and impromptu posts combined, I think I can write one of the quote books or something. ^-^|| Hmmmmmm…
Just to link them up:
My brother, Seh Tat’s blog (in English, mixed with some Manglish = Malaysian English):
My sister, Sue Shyen’s blog (Mainly Chinese, English posts are far and between ^-^”):