Fleeting Emotions
After a whole week of holidays, it’s now time to go down to earth and continue with my own working life. As much as it did seem that I’m not really adjusted to my normal lifestyle (I woke up late today :p), I feel pretty motivated to go back to work again. Well, guess I didn’t waste my holidays at all, got my batteries recharged back. Or probably it shows that I’m feeling right at home in the office with my colleagues? Or probably it’s just that one special reason… ^-^
For one thing, the thing that I’m most glad of is that Sook Lan and Sze Hau is back in the office today. The office seems so different without them last week :).
Anyway, during midday, all of a sudden I didn’t feel well. Been spending more time feeling kinda sickly and disposing waste. Does seems that my holiday lifestyle and food that I had isn’t really good for me? Probably it might be a good idea to maintain my diet, especially keeping an eye on my meat intake. It’s like I have been having an all meat diet for the past few days.
Somehow I’m just feeling a bit nervous actually, does seems that the insecurities that I had with my current situation and responsibilities are coming back to me. Well… guess I still have to face whatever challenges ahead.
In other news, I now trying to figure out how to enable Chinese and Japanese input in Fedora Core 4. That’d be the only thing that will make it close to complete :).