Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Parallel

Seh Hui Leong


Just feeling like jotting down what I felt this morning:

  1. 心中那份对你的思念,似乎膨胀到让我感觉到心跳的痛楚。是无法对你倾诉的关系吗?一向来对你的暧昧似乎一直都吞了下去。


    That thought of missing you, seems to have expanded to a point when I can feel the pain in every heartbeat. It is because I’m never able to express it? All the while I have been swallowing down my tenderness for you.

    Only I notice that emotions can also make myself choke.

  2. 那份不成熟的胆怯,到现在都还没克服到,所以仍然在那段距离地望着你…所以依然还是进不到去你那小小的世界。

    Even now, I haven’t been able to conquer that immature feeling of anxiousness, and that’s why I’m still standing from afar seeing you… that’s why I will never be able to enter that small world of yours.

  3. 有时觉得受不了心中那个颤动:是自己不甘寂寞吗?是不甘心永远只是和你走在对面的平行线?



    Sometimes I can’t stand that violent beating of my heart: Is it that I despise being alone? Is it that I don’t like seeing that I can only walk in that parallel path opposite to you?

    Is it that I can only use my arms to embrace a fantasy forever? It does seems like I’m always letting myself to live in a false existence… I really don’t want this fake sense of security, I really had enough — I can’t stand it any more!

    Right at that instance… I really don’t understand what is love…

  4. …心中的颤动又化回原本的温暖,慢慢在心中化开来…

    …The beating of my heart transforms back to its original warmth, slowly dissolving in my heart…

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
