Panic Drive… AGAIN!
My handphone has officially been declared to have that slithering ability to slip out from my pocket without me being notice. And that made me very anxious just now, luckily it was in Sook Lan’s car ^^||. Phew… But that thought really freaked me out.
In a way, this week isn’t really much of a good week for me -_-||. But I suppose there’s something I can learn from these experiences (as trivial and minor as they seem), maybe I should start by buying a chain to chain my phone up so that it won’t slip out from my pocket?
On a lighter note, just to spam my LJ a bit (since I was tagged by kinglucablight):
List ten songs that you are really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs. Then tag five other random people to see what they’re listening to:
- Ayumi Hamasaki (浜崎あゆみ)- M [JPop]
- Ayumi Hamasaki (浜崎あゆみ)- Endless Sorrow [JPop]
- Lene - It’s Your Duty [Pop]
- Lene - Scream [Pop]
- MAX - Someday [JEuro]
- Lolita - My Hearts Burns Like A Fire [Eurobeat]
- Ace - Power of Sound [Eurobeat]
- Bonnie Tyler/Nikki French/Sammy Cheng - Total Eclipse of The Heart [Pop/‘80s]
- Penny Tai (戴佩妮)- 爱疯了 (Ai Feng Le, Translation - Insanely In Love) [CPop]
- SPEED - April -Theme of “Dear Friends”- [JPop]
Vicky shawaazu roseychan koneko4serious Phil (Ummm… Probably I don’t need much time to guess how MOST of the tracklist were, but nonetheless I’m curious 😉 )