Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Of Life

Seh Hui Leong


I just watched Bicentennial Man just now and I just can’t stop feeling touched from end to end.

Anyway, just to spare you the story synopsis (I believe it’s not hard to find that DVD, rent or buy), I just go straight to the questions and thoughts that I would love to share. Honestly I won’t say much here, I believe reading between the lines of the dialogue and just watching the movie itself would give enough room to come out with a lot of thoughts and interpretation.

The first thing that came to mind is… what is it really like to be human? What is actually the good thing about being human in the first place? What is actually the purpose of being in existence…? … there’s just a lot of questions goes straight into my mind and just within that split second the answer seems so obvious… an answer that cannot be told but is understood.

Honestly to sum up the whole experience and thoughts that I have in mind now can really fill a book, and yet it seems like it has no actual place to start, and no actual place to end. It’s impossible to achieve that. It does make me feel that… a lot of times, we tend to take all the little things for granted, and that there’s a lot of things that we are completely unaware of: Our abilities and our potential that we can bring into this world. And the very things that we are unaware of is probably something that can only be observed from a third person point of view.

…There’s just too much thought that come and go at split second pace that I can’t actually capture it at the moment. However, here’s the two things that I’m firmly reassured that I really feel like sharing, I’ll leave the interpretation of it to you all:

  • That in order to live life to the fullest, one have to seek, to appreciate, to understand… and to share
  • That finding one’s identity is our own life’s purpose that we will be exist with dignity and pride. And that it is not a easy process because it’s something that can bring fear in others: you bring possibilities which is unknown, and that might have bring risks and danger to others. That alone would bring a lot of resistance because it is controversial.
  • That the greatest gift in us is our own ability to choose our own path and proceed in doing what we truly believe in

I think I’ll just have to stop here. But I guess that have gave me a lot of room to ponder and explore. I think I will go into specific details in times to come.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
