Future Plan

Seh Hui Leong

Annual Review

I just want to keep this posted as a public declaration of commitment on my part, as well as a reminder of my own goals that I wanted to achieve in the future:

As much as I have to admit that I am anxious of the change that this plan will brought forth, and that I fear that the plan will not work the way that I intended it to be, I have a strong faith in myself that I am able to do whatever necessary, in a way that it’ll not bring harm to others, to achieve the things that I pursue, and that I’ll commit totally to whatever responsibilities that I had on hand now (including, but not limiting to, work, family, friends, etc.) as well as those brought forth as a result of the execution of my own future plans. And as an additional requirement, I’ll also commit part of my efforts towards the charity and welfare of others.

May the strength be with me always.

Plans for 2005

  • Complete the basic framework for two of my sites: FelixLeong.com (personal website) and MYPPF.net (Malaysian Parapara Fantasy), which should include at least all the content inherited from my past works together with a flexible site building framework for me to update my site with ease
  • Learn Japanese to a level that I’m able to at least read, write and converse in basic Japanese (which, by definition, means that I’m able to go around and understand materials meant for elementary pupils in Japan)
  • Attain an asset of RM10,000

Extra, Optional Plans

  • Continue with my research project on finger mouse and enhance at least the background subtraction algorithm to be more reliable in an indoor environment
  • Learn to read and write basic Latin
  • Proceed with other research endeavours in computer programming, including game programming, Windows API programming and .NET development
Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
