Today’s (Short) Drifting Thought: Regarding Judgement

Seh Hui Leong


After some big (probably) thoughts about the concepts of good and bad/evil (refer to my previous entry regarding Final Fantasy 8), all I can say is that the more I think about it, the more clueless I am about the most simplest things that I have taken for granted all this while. I think I’ll just leave it as that because my thoughts are getting way too complicated for me to comprehend at the moment.

Somehow it just came to me is that probably the seeking of the true meaning of life is actually discovering our own unique underlying principles in living, as well as being able to make sound judgements towards our own actions, take full responsibility for it and live blissfully with the consequences that we have brought into our own environment.

Do note that in judgement, I didn’t mention judging other people’s action. As the Chinese saying goes “Be strict towards oneself, be lenient towards others” (that’s a rough translation in my own words), I believe that accepting (not tolerate) others for who they are and respecting the decisions and action they make is the most important lesson that we need to learn in life.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
