From My Mailbox: Irritating Personality Disorder

Seh Hui Leong


This came in pretty much in time as I kept on nodding my head reading this article. It’s basically from Handwriting’s newsletter and it usually provides insights in analysing changing one’s personality and life for the better through handwriting analysis.

I’m not going to talk about handwriting analysis here, but let me just share with you an excerpt of the newsletter:

Do you have “Irritating Personality Disorder?

Are you too heavy to handle?

Written by Bart Baggett (Excerpt from Handwriting University International Newsletter)

Have you ever had anyone just walk right out of your life with no explanation at all?

If so, does it completely mystify you to this day? Do your friends kindly describe you as “intense” or “high maintenance?” Are you often accused of “trying too hard?” or “making a federal case out of everything?” Does the phrase “let it go” make you cringe?

If so, you just might be suffering from “Irritating Personality Disorder!”

Your emotional baggage is too heavy to handle!

Often times, our “ugly baggage” doesn’t show up until we are emotionally involved with someone we care about.

This hidden emotional baggage can also explain why some people choose to ignore you, not take you seriously or head for the hills at the very mention of your name. The good news is that by choosing the right self-help tools, you can train your mind to alter the subconscious drives that are the root cause of these destructive patterns.

When it comes to relationships, some people treat a potential soulmate like a porter at an airport. They are always looking for someone to handle their emotional burdens for them as they journey through life. Unfortunately, no matter how big the tip (how rich, attractive or needy you are) few people you meet in life will be qualified for the job. It’s just too much work!

You must learn to release your emotional baggage and travel light! People with deep rooted resentment always tend to carry grudges like Olympic torches - the flame doesn’t go out!

People who carry too much emotional baggage tend to share some common personality traits: insecurity, fear, obsessiveness, possessiveness, talkativeness, inflexibility, rebelliousness, resentment, defiance, immaturity and anxiety.

In almost all cases, people with a severe case of “Irritating Personality Disorder” have major emotional scars that are unresolved.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
