Today’s Drifting Thoughts: To Spend More Time On Others Than On Oneself
Sometimes when it comes to whether I had any friends or not, come to think of it, I much more of a loner than anything else. It’s like, I don’t really receive calls from friends to ask me out or anything, I usually do a lot of things alone (whether it is to go to places, eat outside, shopping and travelling), and I do have my fair share of loneliness from time to time.
Sometimes I do feel like I was treated more like an advisor or an consultant than an actual friend. Well… you know, the kind of friend which people will only come to when the have problems to be solved? Well, by any chance, usually I don’t mind helping them out as long as it doesn’t interfere/take too much of my time, and I don’t expect anything in return. Well, in most cases, I did get nothing in return after all :p. Not even a “thank you” [edit: Although they were nice to have ;)]. But then again I’m not that bothered anyway, since I like to help, and I always draw my lines before I get myself into it.
And so, it just seems… that I don’t have many friends at all, despite the fact that I have quite a lot of acquaintances. But I do have great friends, friends that I’ll treasure, the people that I’ll go the extra mile for in order to help them out. And as much as I’m not with them most of the time, but when the time comes that they just happen to ask me for something, I’ll definitely do my best for them.
Thinking about it… there were a lot of times when I hate to be alone, especially when I’m feeling extremely down/depressed. But thinking it from another point of view, I can’t possibly hate it because I treasure my privacy and freedom that loneliness is able to give me.
Well… I think just to wrap it up, I’ll just say that I have a soft disposition (even when it comes to revenge or punishment, my motto is “to maim but never kill”) and I’ll treat you like how you treat me. Treat me like an acquaintance and I’ll treat you as one as well; treat me as a true friend and you’ll be sure that I’ll treat you likewise too ;).
[:: offtopic ::] OMG! Wild Reputation 2005 sounds so cool! 😄 I think I’ll grab it on @music tommorrow, since I’m going to pay for 1 2 Santos (Extended English Version) / Domino today :D.